Page 54 of The Devil's Saint

“The Rome trip is in two weeks, remember mom? The trip I’m going on?” I lie.

“What trip?” Saint asks, gripping my thigh tighter, but I ignore him.

“You’re not talking about that lame trip with Mr. Jones instead of the skiing trip in the Alps, are you?” Christy rudely butts in, but we ignore her.

Christy looks to Lucas, frustration crossing her features at being ignored. Standing, she excuses herself to use the bathroom, and I thank god for small mercies. I don’t want Christy to hear about the wedding. It’s the last thing I want to get back to Georgina, and I know Lucas knows better than to spread family gossip around school. As far as I know, no one else knows about Saint and Jordin except us. I’d like it to stay that way.

My mom clutches her pearl necklace, trying to figure out what I’m talking about without looking stupid in front of everyone.

“It must have slipped my mind, is all. Remind me again. What trip is this?”

“The trip to Rome. I gave you the permission slip ages ago. I think it was around the week we moved in here with Eric.”

I should feel guilty for manipulating her, but I don’t have a choice for this to work.

She looks confused for a second before looking around the table again.

“Right. The trip to Rome. In Italy.” She fidgets with the pearls again. “Yes, of course. I’m so sorry, darling. It must have slipped my mind. When is it that you leave again?”

“Next Friday. It’s only for five days. I can’t wait to see the Colosseum and the Vatican City.” I look over to my best friend sadly. “Won’t be the same without you though.”

Mom looks at Jordin, “How come you’re not going, honey?”

“I was going. James paid for it and signed the consent forms. Then I came to live with grandfather, and with the wedding and everything, I didn’t want to bother him.”

“Surely he wouldn’t mind, especially if you already have a place and the payment has been taken care of, would you, Ian?”

“What’s this?” Ian asks, stopping the conversation he was having with Lucas and Logan.

“The trip the two girls are going on to Rome next week. Surely, they could still go. It would be a good opportunity for them to see the world before they settle down, and it is only for a few days.”

“You didn’t mention anything,” Ian says sternly to Jordin.

“I didn’t want to bother you, grandfather; I know how busy you are.”

“I see,” he says, tucking in his thin lip.

“But there is this gorgeous little bridal boutique in the city center,” she says, playing up to my mom, whose eyes light up with fascination. She loves weddings. “Now, I won’t say what it is so as not to give what I’m wearing away to my future husband,” she says sweetly over at Saint, making me wince.

I haven’t even dared to look in Caleb’s direction yet, knowing he’s feeling the same way about all this as I am.

“Except, with the wedding happening so fast, I don’t think they can deliver on time.” Jordin continues.

“Oh no. Surely there’s something we can do?”

“There is,” Jordin smiles. “Lexy’s going to take my measurements and get it for me when she’s there, aren’t you, bestie?”

“I’d rather you just come with me and get it yourself.” I tease.

“Me too,” Jordin says with sad eyes.

“Of course you do. If anyone knows how fast measurements change, it’s me, believe me,” my mom agrees with understanding. “I had to get my dress altered so many times, and it needs to be perfect for such an important day. Surely there’s something we can do that allows both girls to go, Ian,” my mom asks in a pleading yet sympathetic tone.

“Lexy isn’t going anywhere.”

I turn to my stepbrother, catching Christy coming back out of the corner of my eye.

“Excuse me?” I hiss.