Page 51 of The Devil's Saint

I’ll fucking show him what it’s like to be starved from me.

Chapter Twenty-Three

Mypaintedruby-redlipssmile wickedly at my reflection in the mirror. If this little black dress doesn’t piss Saint off, then nothing will.

I bought it a while back and haven’t had a chance to wear it yet. The hem comes just above the knee, and the top is wrapped over and held together with a large gold buckle to accentuate my cleavage.

I’ve never used anyone to get attention in my life, even when Saint flaunted Georgina and Christy in my face for months.

Tonight, it’s his turn.

Just as I’m about to apply some lip gloss for that extra shine, two knocks on my door have me stopping, calling out to whoever it is to come in.

“Hey, you’re wanted down…” Colton falters mid-sentence, eyeing me head to toe. “Wow. You look…”

I smile up at him, not allowing him to finish that sentence. Knowing him, it would be something dirty. “Thank you.”

He scratches the back of his neck.

Bending to the smaller mirror, I swipe the brush of my lip gloss over my painted lips one more time, rubbing them together to ensure I haven’t missed a spot. Perfect.

“Yeah, um,” he stutters. “Your mom said to come down whenever you’re ready, so uh, yeah.” He clears his throat and begins to leave.

“I’m ready now. I’ll walk down with you.”

“Yeah, see. I have this weird attachment to my balls. Getting them removed by Saint isn’t on my list of things to do today.”

“Don’t be ridiculous.” I laugh, fixing my wavy blonde hair.

Arching a dark eyebrow, he cocks his head. “You’re playing with fire in that dress,” he warns.


If I burn, then Saint burns with me.

Chapter Twenty-Four

Anxietyriddlesmybody,making me regret not having some alcohol beforehand to get me through this dinner. As fake as Jordin and Saint’s engagement is, it doesn’t make it any easier to sit here and watch from the sidelines.

“If you can get through the past few weeks, then you can get through anything,” I remind myself. “Inhale confidence and exhale the negative.” I repeat the words in my head as I follow Colton into the dining room with confident steps.

Confidence that takes a nose dive when I notice the strange men in black suits in my home. Ian must be extra cautious regarding his safety because these men aren’t Eric or Saints. I would have seen them before, and it’s making me feel uneasy.

As much as I would love nothing more than to fake an illness right now, I know better.

I need to stick to the plan. I’ll go into that room with my head held high, plaster on a fake smile, and perform an Oscar-winning performance playing the dutiful daughter who’s overcome with delight for my stepbrother and best friend. I have to, for Jordin’s sake, if nothing else. Her grandfather is a cruel bastard, and I refuse to give him a reason to hurt her.

Everyone is seated when I enter the room, with Eric’s seat at the end of the table empty. Strangely enough, I thought Saint would have been there. Maybe my mom wanted him to be next to Jordin. As long as he isn’t next to me, I don’t care. Even the thought of him being so close to me sets me on fire. I won’t allow my anger to get the better of me. I’ll smile, say a few pleasantries, eat a few bites, and then it’s over.

As I approach my seat nestled between Lucas and Logan, I notice a blonde girl sitting beside Lucas, dressed in a skin-tight green bodycon dress. Her face turned, engaged in conversation with a woman around the same age as my mom, with brown curly hair and glasses. It dawns on me that this must be Christina and Alicia, the two women on the guest list my mom was quizzing me about. When Jordin texted me earlier, I asked her who they were. To my surprise, Christina turns out to be Jordin’s uncle Marcus’s wife, and Alicia and Lucas are their kids. Yet, the blonde sitting next to Christina sounds kinda familiar. As if I’d heard her voice before somewhere. It’s possible I’ve met her before and just didn’t know it. Maybe she’s around the same age as us and is in our school?

As I eavesdrop on their conversation, the blonde addresses the woman. “I’m so sorry little Alicia wasn’t feeling well and couldn’t come. Lucas has told me so much about her.” Suddenly, she turns her head around.

Christy! What the fuck is she doing here?

My teeth grit as I pull out my chair, but quickly mask it with a smile. Reaching around to the back of my dress, I smooth down the sleek fabric as I attempt to take my seat, when I’m pulled back with a strong hand on my arm.

I know that possessive grip from anywhere.