Page 21 of The Devil's Saint

“Where’s Jordin?” I ask Caleb, who is running the faucet for a glass of water at the sink.

I yawn, reaching into the cupboard for the green-colored box.

“She fell asleep in my arms. I put her to bed in my room,” he answers. “I think she’s still in shock.”

Finding what I’m looking for, I pop two tablets from the pack into my mouth, motioning for the glass he just filled.

“I’m not surprised after what they witnessed tonight,” I tell him before swallowing the tablets, and he shakes his head.

“It’s not just Lexy. Something else happened tonight.”

I set the glass down, my spine going ramrod straight. “What do you mean?”

“Jordin was almost raped tonight.”

I gape in disbelief. “What?”

“Lexy stopped it from happening. She saved her, man. She fucking saved her life tonight,” he says in admiration.

“What do you mean she stopped it? How? And when did this happen?”

My head is pounding so hard it’s about to explode.

“When they escaped from the castle. Jordin was hit from behind and pinned down by two men when she checked if the coast was clear. Lexy could have run, but she didn’t. She killed those men, Saint.”

My pulse races and the monster inside me begs to be set free.

“What the fuck do you mean she killed them? How?” I demand, running my hand through my hair. “With what?” I continued the guilt of leaving her threatened to swallow me whole. “None of tonight makes any sense.”

“Lexy had a gun. She shot the bastard who was going to rape Jordin in the back and then the other in the chest. Fuck Saint. We thought we were protecting them by fighting them off inside when it was outside that they needed protection from. I could have fucking lost her if it wasn’t for Lexy.”

Pride swells in my chest as we walk back into the office, taking our seats together.

“She’s stronger than she knows,” I say proudly. “She’s always been. She just didn’t know it.”

“Thank fuck they were together, otherwise…”

“What did she do with the gun?”

“It was still in her pocket. I took it in case the cops showed up. It’s hidden in the bunker for now. I’ll get rid of it in the morning.”

“Appreciate it.” I pour myself a glass of whisky, taking a sip to drown my rage and anxiety, but it offers little relief. Then I continue. “The cops will be here soon, no doubt. We all need to get our stories straight. Burn everything. Clothes, shoes, and anything else that could put us in that room. As far as the cops are concerned, we were all here tonight watching a movie.”

“What about Lexy? If they ask to speak to her?”

Shit, he’s got a point.

Unable to sit still, I stand, pacing the room. “I’ll cross that bridge when it comes to it. You know as well as I do the cops have no interest in Lexy or Kelly. It’s us they want.”

“I’ll let everyone know. There’ll be nothing for them to find.”

“Good. We stick to the plan until I speak with my dad and find out what the hell is going on.”

“The whole thing reeks of a set-up. Whoever it was, they knew over half the organization was in that room tonight. They must have been waiting for an opportunity like this to strike when everyone was busy and distracted.”

Caleb shakes his head, slowly tightening his lips as I retake my seat.

“I swear on my parent’s grave that I’m going to hunt down every last one of them and kill them slowly. One by one until there’s only little pieces left.”