She puts the used needle into a small yellow sharps bin and retrieves some gauze from a box.
“You look exhausted. Why don’t you try to get some sleep? The wound needs to be packed and stitched. It could take some time.”
I shake my head.
“I’ll sleep once you’re finished, and I know she’s going to be alright,” I reply dryly.
“I won’t argue because I know what you’re like. But at least get yourself a stiff drink. You look like you could really use one. We’ve got it from here.”
I nod, knowing I’ve got calls to make. My phone has been buzzing nonstop, and I need to find out what the fuck is going on.
Walking over to Lexy, I bend, kissing her soft lips tenderly.
“Be back soon, Angel. I promise,” I tell her, brushing my thumb along her cheekbone.
Julia smiles sweetly. “I’ll call you if I need anything.”
I leave Lexy’s room and join the others in the kitchen. The room is thick with tension and somber expressions. After motioning to Caleb, we leave the room for some privacy.
“I just spoke with Chains.”
“What do we know?” I ask, opening the door to my dad’s office and closing it behind us.
Caleb sits on the leather chair, shoulders slumped with exhaustion. “The cops have your dad in custody. They must have caught him when he was trying to escape. Owl took a hit to the shoulder, but he’ll live. Chains is with him now. They’re rounding up the crew to meet us here. Ketch and a few of the other clubs got hit as well.”
Fuck! This is bad. Whoever it is is hitting us hard.
“Did any of the other families get hit or just us?” I ask, needing to know if we were the primary target.
“I got a call from Maloti. Lucas is on life support. They don’t know if he’s gonna make it.”
“Did you tell Jordin?” I ask, looking around, wondering where she is.
He shakes his head before placing the glass on his lips for another drink, exhaustion weighing on him heavily. He swallows and then sighs. “No. Not yet.” He rubs his chin. “Ian wants her back.”
“And? What did you say to that?”
“I told him to go fuck himself. Jordin’s not going anywhere tonight.”
“Agreed. The girls stay together for now.” I sink into the leather chair, opening the bottle of whisky on the desk, and pour myself a generous measure, swallowing it whole.
Caleb rises and then makes his way to the door. “We are going to need to talk about this.”
I know exactly what he’s talking about, and he’s right we do, but it won’t be now. Both of us are exhausted, and it’s a problem that can wait. Tonight, all I care about is my girl.
“I know, brother,” I sigh, leaning back on the chair to stare at the ceiling.
“I’m going to go back and check on Jordin and Kelly. Make sure they’re okay.”
I jut my chin toward him in thanks, then pour myself another finger of whisky.
My brain is scrambled trying to figure out who the fuck is behind all this. Attacks and raids on our shipments are one thing, but this…
Something doesn’t add up.
Chapter Ten
It’salmosttwointhe morning when I leave the room to search for Mrs. Watson’s medical box, unable to ignore the headache that’s becoming a migraine. It’s throbbing so hard I want to reach into my skull and pull out my own brain.