Page 127 of The Devil's Saint

“Right as usual,” he agrees.

“Why don’t you go over to Aunty Jordin and Mrs. Watson for some hot cocoa and marshmallows, and I’ll fetch the carrot.”

“Kay, mommy.”

Satisfied the carrot is big enough, I make my way through the house, stopping when I spot Saint by the Christmas tree with a thoughtful look on his gorgeous face.

“Whatcha doing?” I ask, lowering the carrot to my side to stand alongside him.

“Does this tree look weird to you?”

“It better not look weird. I worked hard on it all day. I’m bloody exhausted.”

Saint’s eyes squint. “There, look. That’s it.” He points downward at a branch near the bottom of the tree where, sure enough, hangs a royal blue Christmas ornament that I could have sworn wasn’t there before.

Lowering to my knees, I fish out the odd-looking bubble that sticks out like a sore thumb. “Who put that in there? The theme is red and gold only.” I remind him, annoyed. “This is neither.”

“Pass it here. Lemme see.” Saint lowers next to me, holding out his hand for the ornament.

There’s no design or lettering on it. It’s just a beautiful royal blue glitter ball on a gold string.

“That’s strange. Look, it opens up.”

“What?” I mutter, leaning over, but I can’t see what’s inside. “What is it?”

Saint turns the box around to face me, and I immediately cover my mouth in a gasp.

“Alexa Winters. I love you more than life itself. You gave me the most precious gift I could ever receive. You’re the mother of my son, my lover, my best friend, and my home.”

Suddenly, all the lights go out, and the room darkens to pitch black.

Saint grabs my left hand, making me jump. “Saint. What’s going on?”

The words “WILL YOU MARRY ME” light up on the Christmas tree and, pinched between Saint’s thumb and index finger, is the most stunning diamond ring I’ve ever seen.

My chin wobbles, and tears spring to the backs of my eyes. “Saint.”

“There will only ever be you, Angel. You’re fucking it for me. Marry me?”

“YES! Yes. Yes. Yes.”

Saint slides the ring onto my finger, which is the perfect fit, then grips my chin, pulling me in for a tender kiss.

Cheers and applause fill the room, and we laugh, turning to see the rest of our guests had arrived just in time to witness Saint’s romantic proposal.

My mom, Mrs. Watson, Jordin, Christina, Alisha, Millie, and Katherine called me over so they could swoon with me as we all admired the precious stones.

“It really is the most stunning ring,” my mom says, congratulating me with a side hug.

Peering over my shoulder, I address Saint, who is having congratulatory beers with the boys.

“Oh, babe? Since I’ve opened a gift early. I think it’s only fair if you do the same. It’s waiting for you under the tree.”

With his interest piqued Saint sets his beer down and walks toward the tree, crouching down to check each present to find the one with his name on it.

“Yours is the box with silver wrapping paper.”

Saint smiles as he rips the paper, revealing a plain, long white box.