Page 124 of The Devil's Saint

Colton removes his boots and then flings himself on the couch next to me, opening his arms for a warm embrace. Colton has been my rock over the years and has cemented himself into my heart like a big brother. We almost lost him when he took a bullet for me the day of Jordin and Saints wedding. He spent weeks in the hospital and underwent two surgeries to repair the damage to his chest and suffered a pneumothorax to his right lung. Of course, Jordin and I waited on him hand and foot, catering to his every need. Something he totally lapped up and occasionally exploited. When he told me two years ago about him and Lucas and that it was serious, I squealed the house down. I was so happy for him and that he had finally found his person.

After the day of the wedding, everything changed for us all, and I’ve never been happier. Saint and Caleb have multiple successful businesses, and after Jordin and I graduated, we enrolled in the university in the city, just as we had planned. I completed my Interior Design degree with honors, and to celebrate, Saint took us all on vacation to the Maldives, where we watched Caleb and Jordin renew their wedding vows on the beach surrounded by all of our families. Because that’s what we are. A family.

“You know, you girls are mean when you’re pregnant,” Colton whispers. I quickly shush him before Saint hears.

“What time does everyone get here?” Caleb asks, sitting Jordin down to massage her swollen feet, making her head roll back on a grateful moan.

“Soon, I think,” I answer, gazing at Caleb and Jordin. “You guys sure it’s not too much for you? That’s a lot of people you have staying, and I don’t want you getting stressed.” I say to Jordin, worried she’s taken on too much in her delicate condition.

“It’s only Millie, Uncle Marcus, and the family.”

After the wedding, Marcus was there for Jordin and accepted Caleb into the family with open arms. He told her stories about her mother, Viola, from when they were growing up and showed her the pictures that James would send him in secret because he never wanted to miss an important milestone in her life.

“Yeah, but didn’t Logan say he was bringing his new girlfriend, Katherine?”

“Damn this baby brain.”

I laugh, knowing the feeling. Yesterday, I put milk in the cupboard instead of the refrigerator. Then I accused Colton of drinking it all when I couldn’t find it.

“It’s not like you guys have room with your mom and Chains staying,” Jordin says thoughtfully.

“At least they’re in one room,” Saint remarks, making me shudder.

“Yes, thank you for that reminder, babe.”

My mom told me about her and Chains when I was in my second year at university. She admitted she was always attracted to him. However, after everything, they didn’t want to rush into it, which was understandable. They’ve been together ever since, and honestly, I’ve never seen a couple more smitten. She has this amazing glow every time she’s around him. And anyone can see how much Chains makes her happy.

“Hey, Caleb. Any chance I can swap Colton and Lucas for Logan and Katherine?” Saint asks him playfully.

Colton throws up his middle finger in the air. “Hey! Fuck you.”

Saint chuckles. “That’s the problem. It’s your fucking that I have to listen to all night long.”

“Oh, like you two can talk. I had to buy noise-canceling earphones for when I stay over, and your room is on the other wing of the house.”

Saint barks out a laugh. “And that’s her holding back because someone is staying over. You wanna hear her when the house is empty.” Saint gives me a sexy wink and sets the firewood in the basket by the fire. “What can I say? My Angel likes to scream.”

Chuckles fill the room.

“Thanks, babe, but I don’t think they needed to know that.”

Saint quirks a menacing brow, coming over to place a dangerously heated kiss on my lips.

If I wasn’t already pregnant!

“No, we really don’t,” Colton jokes, and I roll my eyes.

Saint’s warmth leaves me when he walks over to open the case of beer, twisting off the caps and then handing one to Caleb and Colton. I stand and walk back to the task of decorating the tree, adding more ornaments on the bald spots I missed, when I feel Saint saddle up behind me. His freezing cold hands snake across my midriff and under my woolen one-shoulder top, squeezing my breast under my bra, his cold hands making me yelp.

“Are you gonna be Santa’s naughty or nice girl tonight? I’ve got a sack that needs emptying.”

Desire skitters up my spine. “Definitely naughty!”

I nip my bottom lip with my teeth when he pinches a nipple, then squeezes my breast again. “I swear they’re getting bigger.”

“Oh my god, will you two get a room,” Colton reprimands, and I giggle.

Saint’s head burrows in my neck, letting out an unamused sigh. “Why did you have to name our son after him?”