Page 117 of The Devil's Saint

Her lips purse, but her nails dig into the sheets, telling me I’m right.

“You want my mouth on you. Don’t you?” My fingers flex inside her, and when she bucks her hips, I know I’m hitting her G-spot.

Her breathing deepens as she relaxes into my touch. “Good girl. Fuck my fingers.”

Pleasure shoots through her body, and a moan rips from her throat that I catch with my lips. She tastes so goddamn sweet.

Reaching into her top, I pull her bra down to expose her nipples to me, flicking each one with my tongue before ordering her to strip and sit on my face.

Lost to lust, she obeys, and the fight we just had is long forgotten as she sits on my face and chases her release.

Chapter Fifty-Four

Aveilofmutedlight seeps through the lacy curtains, casting a warm glow on the meticulously arranged wedding dress that hangs in the corner, its fabric reminding me that today, Jordin is marrying the man I love.

Jordin perches on the edge of the bed, her fingers tapping nervously against her thigh as the weight of the impending marriage ceremony permeates the room.

“I appreciate you staying over last night,” she confesses, her voice betraying a blend of gratitude and unease. “I thought you would have been upset at me.”

“I would never be upset at you. As messed up as all this is, I want to be by your side because that’s where I belong. I’m just glad Christina convinced Ian to allow me to stay over.”

Christina had orchestrated a bachelorette party at the house, extending invitations to some of the family’s cousins and other female relatives. We hadn’t a clue who they all were, only that they would be part of the big day after Ian adamantly refused Jordin’s request to have only one bridesmaid. Regardless of the situation, a woman should be allowed to plan her own wedding day. A luxury Jordin was not afforded. The only thing she was allowed to pick out was her dress and the dresses for her bridesmaids. Nothing more. Everything else was Ian’s choice. The flowers, the venue, the cars, the music. Everything. She preferred it that way, but still, it makes me sick to my stomach at how controlling Ian is.

To their credit, most of the ladies were genuinely lovely and easy-going, offering well-wishes and sharing words of wisdom and advice. Some seemed to have navigated situations similar to Jordin’s, talking about how they’d never met their husbands until their big day. In contrast, others envied what Jordin had, daydreaming about who their future husbands would be and if they would catch the bouquet in hopes the superstition would quicken up the process. Jordin remained quiet throughout the night, a palpable tension around her aura nearly as dense as the scent of lavender candles.

“Do James and Gale know about today?”

She shook her head, her face pale. “The last time my dad…James,” she says, correcting herself. “Was in a room with Ian, Ian shot him. And there’s no chance in hell I would have Millie anywhere near this. It’s too dangerous,” she replies, looking off into the distance.

“I’m so sorry, Jordin.”

“Don’t be.” Jordin moves to lie down on the bed beside me, continuing, “Have you heard from Saint today?”

I managed to nod.

That’s all I can muster for now where Saint’s name was concerned. The bombshell he dropped yesterday was too weighty to process. Today’s the day, and there’s no escaping it. I’m barely holding it together, and if I say his name aloud, it might just set off the bomb that I know is ticking away inside me, ready to detonate at any given moment.

I don’t think I’ve ever sworn as much in my entire life as I did yesterday. It went on for hours, long after Saint fucked me on every surface in our new home, leaving me sore and bruised, just like he promised. I left as soon as we got back to the beach house to stay with Jordin. Not caring if Ian was in that house or not.

He called my phone multiple times and sent texts, all of which I ignored. Just because he claims he doesn’t have a choice doesn’t mean that I have to be happy about it. Just because it’s temporary doesn’t mean it hurts any less.

“I’m so sorry, babe. I need to tell you that…”

“Don’t you dare finish that sentence?”

A tear slides down her face, and she sighs deeply.

I hesitate, then take her hand, placing the blue stone in her palm and lacing our fingers together.

“What’s this?”

“Your something blue. It’s an Azurite crystal for hope and unity.”

“It’s beautiful. Thank you.”

“Remember, today is just a chapter, not the whole story. You and Caleb will have the power to write the rest.”

Jordin nods, a glint of determination in her eyes as I wipe away her tears. “You’re right, Lex. God, I love you so much. I couldn’t have asked for a better best friend.”