Page 90 of His to Ruin

“Or how about this one,” I cough before putting on a guys deep voice, “Hey baby can you give my friend your number? He wants to know where he can reach me in the morning.”

Lexy howls again.

I continue. “Like can you imagine walking up to someone and asking if they just farted because they blew you away?”

We laugh so hard I have to dab my eyes with a napkin.

“I once served this guy in the coffee shop who said that I had something in my eye. I thought it was a just fallen eyelash or something but when I felt it to check he said it was just a sparkle.” Lexy laughs then adds, “then he asked if he had met me before. When I told him no he said it must have been in his dreams.”

“That’s cringe right there,” I joke.

“That’s not even the half of it. The same smartass came back a week later with a group of friends for takeout coffees and asked my boss if he could sign his own name on the cup because it’s difficult to spell. When his order was ready I was shouting for an Ice Swallowcum to come collect his order.”

I laugh so hard I almost choke on my drink forcing Lexy to give me a backslap to clear my chest, not that she’s in any better condition than I am right now with tears of laughter streaming from her eyes.

We swap jokes and stories until Lexy tells me she can’t hold it in anymore and needs the restroom before she pisses her pants. I sit back and people watch whilst enjoying the music when suddenly my neck stiffens and I feel my body go tense. I can’t explain it but I’m certain someone’s watching me.

I look around the room at the many faces lost in the crowd that’s highlighted by the rainbow of coloured lights that twirl above. My entire body shutters when for a split second I think I see Max. I blink hard. When I open my eyes again it’s not him. How much drink have I had?

Unable to shake the feeling away I push to my feet to find Lexy. I’m about to head into the restroom when I feel my arm being tugged back rooting me in place. Taking a deep breath I’m relieved when I turn to see a familiar face from school.

“Jordin, isn’t it?”

I don’t know Jason well, I mean we’ve said hi to each other in class a few times but nothing more. I didn’t even think he would have remembered my name if I’m being honest.

“I had to look twice. I almost didn’t recognise you,” he continues roaming his eyes up and down my body.

“Jason. It’s good to see you. You having a good night?” I ask.

Looking over his shoulder he nods toward the small group with him.

“We’re waiting on the DJ to come on. I hear he’s pretty good,” he says sweeping his eyes over my body making my cheeks blaze.

“What’s the chances of getting a dance later?” he asks in a flirty but cocky tone scanning my face for an answer.

“I got to find Lex, but maybe I’ll see you around later?”

“Lexy here too? I didn’t think this was her kind of thing.”


“Tell her I said hi,” he responds with a cheesy grin.

I give him a curt nod then walk towards the restrooms in a hurried pace. Needing girly reinforcement desperately in walk into the restroom to find Lexy reapplying her lip gloss in one of the many large mirrors.

“Hold this for me a sec?” I ask handing her my bag to hold. Might as well relieve my alcohol filled bladder whilst I’m here.

After quickly doing my business I exit the stall then wash my hands before drying them in the air dryer.

“Guess who I bumped into?”

With a sheepish look she asks, “who?”

“Jason Carr from school.”

She places a hand on heart.

“Don’t do that to me. I thought you were going to say someone else there for a minute.”