Page 88 of His to Ruin

A text comes in from Lexy that she will be here in twenty minutes making butterflies dance in the pit of my stomach. I’m excited for tonight, for the two of us to really have fun and let our hair down.

Not knowing what to wear I begin separating my clothes into yes piles or no piles. Thankfully my ankles much better so I can wear my favourite pair of heels. I saved for months for my beloved red bottom Louboutin’s. I swear I would wear them doing the housework if I didn’t think I’d have blisters afterwards.

After checking the time again on my phone I take a hot shower then dry my hair whilst I wait.

Loud bangs pull me from the bathroom.

Thinking it must be Millie I pull open the door only to find Lexy standing there looking like a million dollars in a black satin corset mini dress.

“Why’d you knock you weirdo?” I tease.

“You could have been half naked for all I know. I didn’t wanna barge on in in case you were getting dressed.” she giggles.

“Hum, you’ve got a point there.”

I follow her into my room plopping myself on my bed opposite her.

“How come you’re not dressed yet?”

“I can’t decide on what to wear. Will you help me pick something out?” I beg with puppy dog eyes. Lexy is the type of person that will look good in anything and if anyone knows fashion it’s her. She’s effortlessly stylish. Hell, she almost talked my ear off when I told her I owned red bottoms.

She stands from the bed opening up my closet then steps back with her hands on her hips surveying my clothes. “Let’s see what we got here,” she says before pulling multiple items of clothing there from hangers to give to me. I set each one on the bed and it’s not long until I can no longer see the design on the comforter.

“Here try this on.”

She hands me a micro mini skirt that looks more like a belt. After inspecting it for a minute I shake my head.

“Honestly, I don’t even know what I was thinking when I bought that. My vag will be out on full display.”

“Alright then not that one.” She ponders for a minute ruffling through all the clothes. “I got it. This is going to look freaking amazing on you,” she beams holding a red mini dress against my body.

“Ohh, good choice,” I agree, holding the dress out in front of me. “I forgot I even bought this.”

She hurries me into the bathroom but when I don’t move fast enough she gives my ass a little smack making me yelp.

“Okay, okay I’m going,” I laugh.

“Don’t take all day in there either. We still have hair and make up to do.”

“As if it will take me long pulling this on,” I call out through the door pulling the dress down on my body. Thankfully I shaved my legs this morning.

I stand in front of the bathroom mirror giving myself the once over. I look sexy and I’m not afraid to admit it as my eyes assess my figure. This dress hugs every inch of my curves.

Thirty minutes later I run my fingers through the loose long curls that hang over the deep v cut that shows off my ample cleavage.

“Forget about men, I think you may have turned me in that dress.”

We both let out a loud laugh.

“Me? Look at you. You look gorgeous.”

“I’m not going to lie this dress cost a pretty penny, but it’s so worth it. Maybe I’ll even get a kiss tonight from a hot ass guy.”

“Believe me there’s nothing worse than a hot ass guy who can’t kiss. That’s a mega libido kill.”

“Won’t know till I try now will I,” she says before adding, “Oh I almost forgot,” she says wiggling her brows, pulling a bottle from her clutch bag.

“What you got there?”