Page 86 of His to Ruin

I finger the silver chain on my neck.

“Thank you. It was a family heirloom of my mothers.”

“Your mother’s family have great taste for such a decadent piece.”

“I suppose it is, yes,” I say shyly. This necklace could be worthless from a thrift store for all I know. I don’t tell him that.

“Is she here with you tonight, your mother?” he asks catching me of guard.

“No. She left when I was just a baby.”

He pulls back to look at me.

“That’s a shame. I bet you look just like her.”

“Mind if I cut in?” Colton asks the man rudely with a tick in his jaw. Except he doesn’t ask. He practically pulls me out of his arms.

“Not at all. Its time I left anyway.”

The man he called Ian places a gentle kiss to my hand.

“It was a pleasure to meet you miss?”

“Richmond. Jordin Richmond.”

“A pleasure Miss Richmond. Maybe we will see each other again soon.”

I nod curtly as the boy walks up to him handing him back his walking cane to take. I give him a kind smile saying my goodbyes.

Colton takes me in his arms holding me tighter than necessary.

I scowl at him. “That was rude.”

“What did he say to you?” Colton demands.

He’s all up in my personal space now and needs to take a step back from me.

“Colton you’re holding too tight I can’t breathe.”

I try to push him back without making a scene.

“What did he fucking say Jordin?” he forcefully demands, the tight grip he has on me beginning to hurt. There’s something in his tone that scares me. I’ve seen Saint lose it, seen what Caleb is capable of, but there’s something about Colton I can’t put my finger on.

“Nothing. He said nothing except what a beautiful wedding it was, Jesus.”

“Is that all he said?”

“Yes! I just said so didn’t I. What’s it got to do with you what he said?” I question.

“Everything Jordin. It means fucking everything.”

“What are you talking about Colton? Why does an old man wanting to dance with me at a wedding have any significance to you?”

“That’s not just any old grandpa wanting to feel up a pretty girl at a wedding that’s why.”

I let out a huff of annoyance slapping my arms by my sides.

“Enlighten me then since it’s so important to you.”