I tear my gaze directly to Jordin who’s watching with a mixture of jealously and disappointment etched on her beautiful face before quickly averting her eyes away from us. It does something to me that I can’t decipher.
“It is,” she purrs looking up at me like I just asked her to prom.
The bell sounds that lunch is over but before I leave I peer over to Jordin who has pulled her full attention back to Lexy. They’re laughing at something on Lexy’s phone when a junior from the football team saddles up to their table making my blood boil. Whatever he says makes Jordin flush and I instantly want to walk over and rip his blond head off his fucking shoulders.
He talked to the one person he wasn’t supposed to and now he has to pay the consequences. He has some balls on him I’ll give him that, especially knowing that I put Jordin on the off-limits rule to every guy in this school. That means they don’t even look in her direction never mind talk to her.
The guy laughs at whatever she said then looks around the room swallowing hard when he spots me watching him with a death glare. He says something to her again then backs away out of the room.
“I need to take a piss,” I tell no one in particular following the asshole out the door. I actually do need to take a piss now the question is where.
I know by the bang of the door hitting against the wall it could only be one person. No one else would dare approach me like that.
I don’t need to turn to know its Saint standing in the doorway of the stall.
“What’s up?” I ask putting my dick in my pants after pissing on the unconscious guy on the floor below me.
“What the fuck was that?”
“What was what?” I go to walk past him after washing my hands but he grabs a hold of my shoulder pulling me back. I know exactly what he means.
“Today with Jordin. You’re watching her like a bulldog that’s watching someone else play with their chew toy.”
I look from where his hand is then back to his face in warning.
“You done?”
“Yeah, I’m fucking done. Done telling you when you’re being a dickhead. Maybe Colton was right. Maybe it should have been him.”
“Colton can go and fuck himself.”
“Don’t tell me you’re actually starting to like this girl? Brother, tell me you’re not because I don’t need to remind you that she’s the enemies daughter. An enemy my father wants dead. So put your fucking dick away and get your head back in the game.” he says before stomping away.
Needing to hit something I look down to the floor contemplating on whether to wake the fucker up just so I can knock him out again, opting on slamming my fist into the stall door instead. I know Saints right. I know I should keep my distance from this girl but fuck if I can. I want to know what she looks like naked under me. I want to know what she feels like when I plunge deep inside her with her pussy squeezing me until were both satisfied.
She’s the daughter of an enemy and in our world that’s something you don’t fuck with. But she is mine.
Chapter Thirty-seven
Ikeptmywindowlocked all week. Not that it really mattered. Caleb hasn’t as much as looked in my direction once. I should be happy at that except I can’t get the thoughts of him and Georgina out of my head. Did he sleep with her? Who am I kidding of course he did. He’s Caleb fucking Bailey. Hit em and quit em Lexy said. That’s their motto, right? And me, I’m just another girl to fall on her knee’s for him.
“Turn around let me see you,” mom says excitedly, twirling me around in front of the long mirror after curling my hair and doing my makeup for Lexy’s moms wedding reception.
“You really are a beauty you know that?”
“Mom,” I blush.
“I mean it. I’m so proud of the woman you’ve become. One day it will be your very own wedding you’ll be getting ready for,” she says looking sombre.
“Mom? What’s wrong?”
She waves it off like its nothing but it wasn’t nothing, at least it didn’t feel like it was.
“Never mind me. Just being silly is all. Where is the reception I forgot to ask?”
“It’s actually in Lexy’s house. You want to see this place. It’s more like a luxury five-star hotel than a house, seriously its huge.”