Page 77 of His to Ruin

“FUCK,” he rasps out in frustration just as the bell sounds. Dropping his head into my neck. He takes a deep breath as if he’s savouring my scent.

Without saying another word he sets me down on my feet. Pulling my clothes back into place he turns and walks out the door slamming it behind him. I stand on shaky legs letting out the breath I didn’t realise I was holding wondering what the fuck just happened.

Chapter Thirty-four


Thenextdayonmy way to class I get called into Mr Wyatts office to explain myself for my outburst in Mrs Hawkins class. After a fifteen-minute lecture he issues a warning that if it happens again I’ll be handed a month’s detention. As if it wasn’t enough for me to fail the test now I’m getting into trouble with the principle.

I make my way to the cafeteria to meet Lexy for lunch but spot her just as she rounds the corridor.

“Is it still raining out there?” I ask knowing it hasn’t. I wish the rain would stop so we could go outside like we usually do. I don’t want to see Caleb, Christy, or any of them today for that matter and I could really do with some fresh air to clear my head.

“Yep. Still pouring out of the heavens I’m afraid. How did it go with Mr Wyatt?”

I flash her a warm smile. “Nothing I can’t handle,”

She tightens her lips sightly furrowing her brow. “I knew something was going on. I swear sometimes I think they forget they’re not ten years old anymore.”

As we make our way into the room the smell of food hits my nostrils making my tummy grumble.

“I’m so hungry,” I tell her.

The words are no sooner out of my mouth when someone’s foot knocks into mine causing me to stumble and fall. My ankle twists when I crash land onto the floor. A wave of humiliation fills me as loud ruptures of laughter sounds out around the room.

“Ouch. That looked painful. Might want to watch where you’re going next time.”

I look up to see Christy’s high heeled boots literally step over my fallen body. At least the girl she’s with has the decency to step around me with a look of regret in her green eyes. She tripped me up on purpose. I glare at Christy as pain radiates through my ankle when I try to stand and put weight on it.

“Babe you okay?” Lexy asks helping me to stand. Her face full of concern.

“I think it might be sprained,” I wince shifting my gaze around the room at the students clapping their hands and laughing, revelling in my fall.

“We need to get you to the nurse to get that looked at. Here,” she adds giving me her arm. “Lean on me.”

I grip her arm tight just as Saint and Caleb walk into the cafeteria. The laughter immediately stops when they both pause to take in the scene before them.

My eyes widen when Caleb stalks over towards us, his face boiling with anger demanding to know what happened as if genuinely concerned.

“Nothing. I fell.”

“No, you didn’t. That sly bitch tripped you,” Lexy admits but I give her a gentle squeeze stopping her from saying more. What’s the point. Christy has achieved what she wanted which was obviously to humiliate me in front of everyone making me a laughingstock.

I watch Caleb’s eyes flicker over to Christy who stands there shrugging with her arms folded against her chest.

“What? It’s not my fault she didn’t look where she was going. And Lexy, call me a bitch again and see what happens to you,” Christy warns.

“You know damn well what you did Christy, but karma is that bitch who never forgets. You just remember that.” Lexy retorts standing up to her.

“As if I care what you think,” Christy says unbothered.

“Whatever Christy. C’mon Jordin we need to get you to the nurse to get ice on your ankle,” Lexy exclaims.

I can’t help but give out a little cry when I try to walk on it. Even with leaning on Lexy it hurts like hell.

“Move,” Caleb tells Lexy, catching me off guard when in one fell swoop he has me cradled in his arms bridal style.

For a split second I’m scared he’ll drop me.