Page 73 of His to Ruin

“I may or may not have set off the fire alarm to give you the time you needed to get back here.”

I hug her so tight she gives me a little yelp. “I love you so much. You’re the best.”

“Tell me something I don’t know. Although I wish I had of had the good sense to pee before I pulled the alarm. I’m about to burst,” she says, crossing her legs in desperation.

“If they don’t hurry the hell up I may need that hot fireman’s water hose to wash away a pee puddle in a minute.”

“With a hose that long I bet it’s not the first time he’s been asked to help clean up a puddle in between someone’s legs,” I laugh.

“Girl don’t,” she giggles squeezing her thighs together tighter. “It’s not even funny how close that is to becoming a reality right now. I will never live that shit down. He is stupid hot though,” she says not taking her eyes off a young fire fighter who has his helmet off chatting to Mr Wyatt. She’s right; he is hot.

“How much do you think his equipment weighs?” I ask.

“Girl who cares as long as he knows what to do with said equipment. Anyway, what happened? You know this test is like 20% of our final grade, right?”

“I know, I’m sorry I’ll explain later but I’m here now thanks to you and that’s the main thing.”

“False alarm everyone,” Mr Wyatt announces into a megaphone. “It’s safe for everyone to return to class.”

“Oh, thank god for that,” she says grabbing my hand pushing her way quickly past the hordes of students.

“Remind me to make a large donation to the fire service for wasting their time,” she says apologetically. Just then I realise what she really did for me making me feel ashamed and guilty that she went to those lengths.

“Me too,” I tell her. “We’ll do it together.”

Just as we’re near the front doors high pitched laughter to my left catches my attention as we follow the teachers and students filing back into school. I instantly regret looking towards the noise when I spot Saint, Colton, and Caleb sitting on the wooden benches in the front lawn. Georgina straddles Saint’s lap, laughing at whatever crap he’s spewing from his mouth causing the hideous high-pitched laugh, thus telling anyone within earshot that she has Saint’s full attention. I can’t remember her name but another cheerleader is draping herself all over Caleb’s neck. I don’t know why but a pang of jealously hits me square in the chest. He immediately sits up straight when he spots me. A deep frown creases on his forehead making it obvious that he thought he got the better of me today.

I give him a full toothed smile. Nice to prove you wrong dickhead. He smiles back a mischievous grin making his dimples pop. The girl notices that his attention is on me giving me a scowl.

“Go pee quick before the girls rush for the restroom. I’ll catch up to you,” I tell Lexy and she does, pushing students out of her way in a desperate hurry.

My gaze shifts back to Caleb except he isn’t where he last was but standing right next to me.

“I see you made it,” he whispers in my ear.

“Yep, here I am. No thanks to you,” I tell him before turning to the girl who saddles up next to him placing her arm around his.

A texts sounds out in my pocket. I pull it out plastering on a fake smile when I look down at the text. I can feel Caleb’s eyes burn into me with curiosity. It’s from Lexy letting me know she made it just on time.

“Who are you smiling at?” he asks. His eyes are firmly fixed on me with a look I can’t quite decipher. Caleb has no business asking me questions like that after the way he treated me today and left me stranded. He’s a heartless prick.

I advert my gaze from to him to the girl on his arm then back to him tilting my head slightly.

I give nothing away. “Gotta go. Big test and all.”

I place my phone back into my pocket joining the rest of the students back to our respective classes without looking back.

Lexy looks nervous waiting by the classroom door for me.

“There you are. I thought you had gone AWOL again,” she jokes.

“Nope I made it this time,” I joke back just as Mrs Hawkins calls out for us to hurry up and take our seats. Lexy hesitates before looking back to me.

“Good luck,” she mutters.

“You too,” I tell her.

Lexy takes her seat nearest the front but of course the only seat left is right in front of Christy. Shit. I forgot she’s in this class with us, but she never sits there. She’s always seated in the same place so why the change today of all days? Can this day get any worse? I can’t think about that right now. What I need to do is focus and get through this test.