Page 69 of His to Ruin


ThenextmorningIwake to the sound of my phone vibrating next to me on my desk where I fell asleep last night.

Lexy: Hey girl, I’m outside.

Me: Slept in. Give me 10.

Still jacked on the large amount of caffeine in my system I bounce from my chair to the bathroom to closet so fast I could give Tigger from Winnie the Pooh a run for his money. I quickly fire on my new vintage wash ripped denim shorts, and a white t-shirt with white converse. Not wanting to keep Lexy any longer I give my hair a quick brush whirling it up into a messy bun before grabbing my bag and rushing out the door without even saying bye to mom or Millie.

“I’m so sorry I kept you waiting. Had a bit of a late night,” I say apologetically through a yawn.

“So I see. Girl you look…well you look tired. Like you haven’t slept a wink.”

The bags under my eyes must give it away.

“Shit?” I say pulling down the mirrored visor. I’d hoped the new concealer I bought would have done the trick but I forgot to slip it in my bag on the way out the door.

“Oh god I look rough. I couldn’t sleep last night. Must have been all the heat or something. Maybe after I hand in my assignment I can pull a sicky and go home.”

“Lucky for you I stopped off at a coffee shop on the way here. That one’s yours.” She points to the cup with my name written in black sharpy in the cup holder. “I have some make up in my bag you can use if you want. It’s in the back seat if you wanna grab it.”

I love this girl.

“You’re a life saver. I swear I don’t know what I would do without you sometimes,” I tell her with sincerity reaching behind me to grab her bag off the seat.

“I have your back, you have mine.”

“I actually wanted to ask you something,” she asks cheerfully.

“Oh yeah? What’s up?”

“I just wanted to ask if you fancied going to a football game against the Rockford Giants. It’s not for a few weeks yet. Eric bought tickets for us and now him and mom can’t go so we have some going spare. I would love it if you came.”

Caleb might be there my traitorous mind says, but I blink it away shifting in my seat. I don’t know how to put into words what Caleb and I are but its anything but romantic. Something tells me that Caleb wouldn’t know the meaning of the word romance.

“We could eat bad hotdogs, watch fit guys kick a ball around in tight fitting clothes, and drink cheap beer all day. What do you say?”

I haven’t been to a football game since Max. Not that I understood the rules of the game or anything. I just sat there absorbing the atmosphere and excitement from the cheering crowds whilst I watched him play. My ears would ring for ages after the match from all the roars of his supporters each time he scored. It made me feel so proud to be his girlfriend. But that was before everything went to shit.

“Suppose it could be fun,” I tell her watching her face light up.

“It’s going to be so much fun now you’re coming.”

“Wait hold up. Isn’t the Rockford Giants like our biggest rivals?”

“They are. Most of the school should be there. Not like it’s hard to miss all the banners and posters displayed everywhere.”

“Oh I know. I’ve been pulling posters off my locker every day this week. I could wallpaper my bedroom there’s that many of them,” I say adding, “How come Eric and your mom can’t go?”

“It coincides with the date for their honeymoon.”

“Are they’re going away?”

“Yeah. Can you believe that my mom actually wanted me to go with them?”

“She didn’t!”

“Yep, but there was no fucking way that was happening. I would rather share a house with Saint on my own for a full week and that’s saying something.”