Page 45 of His to Ruin

“One of you fuckers knows what you’ve done. Come clean now before it’s too late for you.”

The sheepish looks on everyone’s face says it all. They haven’t got a clue what he’s on about.

He lunges for a kid who’s recording him on his phone. It only takes one swing of his bat for it to smash into a million pieces.

“Think its fucking funny do you?” he spits in the poor kids face. “You can all record me burning this whole fucking school to the ground if it’s not back where I left it in one hour.”

“Give what back Saint? What the hell is going on here?” Mr Wyatt the principle demands rushing up the hall to get in between Saint and the poor kid who’s look like he’s going to either piss his pants or pass out any minute.

When Saint doesn’t say anything Colton replies. “His bike is missing from the lot.”

Saint paces up and down the hall before coming back to the gathered crowd with his bat raised high in the air then lifts it to everyone standing in the hall, pointing it to know one in particular.

“One of you fuckers took it and I want it back. RIGHT, FUCKING, NOW, or I swear to God I will burn this god damn school to the ground with everyone inside it.”

“Are you out of your mind Saint? If someone has taken your bike I assure you we’ll get to the bottom of it. The first thing we need to do is call the police. Violence and threats are not the way,” Mr Wyatt says in an attempt to calm Saint down. It doesn’t work.

“There will be no fucking police in my school Wyatt, and no one is leaving until that bike is back in the fucking parking lot where I left it. You got that?” Saint says furiously before turning back to the crowd. “YOU ALL HAVE ONE HOUR.”

I look around at the crowd to see all eyes are lowered to the ground except mine. Saint lifts his bat high into the air swinging it hard and fast into lockers making me jump as he storms off down the hall.

“Go to your next class Lexy. I’ll meet you there soon.”, I tell her quietly. She shaking like a leaf.

“What?” she whispers.

“Act normal remember. Now go,” I command lowly but make my voice forceful enough so she’ll listen to me and go now before her face gives us away.

I watch as she turns away from the scene of destruction and chaos Saint has left in his wake and practically runs up the stairs to get to the third floor where her class is.

“Everyone back to class. NOW,” Mr Wyatt shouts making the crowd disperse back into their prospective classrooms before running down the hall after Saint pleading with him to stop as he rains fire and fury on the lockers and glass doors. There’s no stopping him. He swings his bat over and over again like a wild animal. Colton is trying to talk him down but Caleb, he just stands there staring at me. When I don’t look away he shakes his head.

Nervous butterflies dance in my stomach.

He knows. Fuck, he knows.

Five steps are all it takes for him to get to me. He grabs me hard by my wrist pulling me into the nearest empty room before slamming me hard against a wall knocking the breath from my lungs.

He has me caged in, snarling down at me like an animal ready to bite. His fists rest at the sides of my face. It’s terrifying.

“It was you wasn’t it?”

“Wah…what? No,” I lie.

My body trembles when his eyes darken making my pulse spike.

I don’t have time to react when he grabs me by the throat but not enough to hurt. He steps closer, his lips hover so close to mine that I can smell a mixture of mint toothpaste, coffee, and a hint of cigarettes. My chest heaves and goosebumps dance on my skin.

“Drop the fucking act. I could see the guilt written all over Lexy’s face. Where is it?”

“I don’t know...” He cuts me off squeezing harder and this time it hurts. I’m instantly transported back to the night Max hurt me.

“That bike was his brothers, Jordin. His dead brothers! It’s all he has left of him. If he finds out it was you he’ll break every bone in your body. Now tell me what the hell you did with it before he finds out.”

When I say nothing he roars slamming his fist into the dry wall behind me. I close my eyes as fear grips my entire body.

“Do you think he’s messing around? You think he won’t do it? He will. He’ll burn this school to the ground if it means not getting that bike back in one piece. Now tell me where it is before he goes catatonic and there’s no stopping him.”

“It’s in the gym. In the back storeroom hidden behind the new mascot billboard the art departments making for the football game,” I quickly confess.