Page 38 of His to Ruin

She shakes her head, “No. I like the way we are with each other now; I don’t want to ruin it,”

“If that’s really what you want?”

Her hands slap against her knees. “It is. lets change the subject.”

“Actually, I’ve been meaning to ask you about this club everyone at schools been talking about. Ketch, I think it’s called. Have you heard of it?”

“Yeah. It’s a club on the outskirts of town. Everyone is going next week to see this new DJ that’s playing there. He’s really good apparently. Why did you want to go?”

“What if we go together?”

Her eyes light up, “Seriously? I’ve been dying to go for ages now. Will you really come with me?”

I nod out a yes.

“I don’t know what I did to deserve a friend like you to come into my life but I’m so glad for it, whatever it was,” she says.

“Me too.” I tell her meaning every word.

“Let’s get this last piece of homework finished so we can eat.”

Lexy agrees, “I don’t know what Mrs Watsons baking today but it smells so good.”

An hour later we finish our studies for the day and we make our way down to the kitchen. My mouth waters at the sight before me. Sandwiches and snacks sit piled high for us that Ms Watson prepared earlier before she left for the day.

“This looks so good,” I tell her filling my plate.

“Mrs Watsons always trying to fatten me up. I swear if she keeps this up I’m going to need my bridesmaid dress refitted and my mom will have a fit. She hasn’t quite hit bridezilla mode just yet but she’s not far away. That just might tip her over the edge,” she jokes.

I take a large bite of my toasted sandwich moaning at how good it tastes.

“Well fuck me if that sound didn’t go straight to my dick,” rasps a male voice behind us.

I turn around to see Colton staring at us, rearranging his junk.

Lexy groans as Saint and Caleb join him making their way into the kitchen.

She ignores Saint when he leans over her chair. Just as she’s about to take a bite out of her sandwich he snatches it from her hand swiftly before she gets the chance to protest, taking a bite so big that only the crust remains. His face instantly scrunches up after the first chew then spits it right back onto her plate.

“What the hell Saint?” she yells, pulling herself away from the spat-out food with a look of disgust on her face. I think she might actually hurt him when she rolls up her fist ready for a fight.

“That’s fucking disgusting. What the hell was in that thing?” he asks wiping his mouth in disgust before swiping her bottle of water from the table chugging half of it down.

“Probably some chick food to lose calories,” Colton mocks.

“Unless I’m sitting on your face my weight and calorie intake has got fuck all to do with you,” she retorts angrily.

Colton quirks a brow, “That can be arranged. You can use me as a scale all you want baby.”

Saint slams his fist into the countertop giving Colton a look to shut the hell up. But then it’s as if he remembers himself, looking down at her again with a look of disgust in his eyes.

“I’m starving. You can keep your rabbit food,” he tells her. Let’s get outta here and go to Ben’s diner for some decent food,” he says turning to Colton and Caleb.

“I’m down. Don’t need to tell me twice brother,” Colton excitedly answers before following Saint out of the room.

“Hey asshole I call shotgun,” Caleb calls out after him.

“Yeah, yeah. What’s new dick.” Colton shouts.