Page 124 of His to Ruin

“It’s something they do every day miss. Its best to show your face and not make Mr Maloti angry.”

I give her a tight nod then get up from my bed to head for the shower when she pulls me back. I look down to where her hand is on my arm.

“You shouldn’t be here. You need to leave this place at the first chance you get,” she whispers in a concerned tone.

I shake out of her hold annoyed.

“Trust me. I don’t want to be here anymore than you want me to be.” I sneer.

She opens her mouth to say more but stops when footsteps sound out from outside my room. She rushes over to my bed bundling my bedding in her arms then quickly leaves without saying another word.

After I’m dressed I head down to the bottom of the staircase where Anthony awaits. I stroll past without greeting him.

“Good morning, Jordina,” Ian greets as I take a seat at the table.

“Good morning,” I say back sharpy.

I don’t look at Lucas who I know has been scowling at me from the minute I entered the room. His mother Annetta is holding a plate up for Alicia to fill.

“Hi Jordina. Remember me?” Alicia says with eyes full of joy.

“Of course I remember you but last I saw you I think you were smaller,” I say tilting my head slightly looking at her. “You’ve grown since then.”

Her eyes widen in wonder, “I have?”

“At least by this much,” I say closing one eye and holding up a small space between my thumb and index. Remembering how Millie loved it when I told her that.

“Wow, you think I grew that much already?” she asks enthusiastically.

I’m about to answer when I hear a deep voice calls out, “Good morning everyone. Sorry I’m late.”

“You’re not late. When you’re late the food is cold. But since it’s still warm I’d say you’re just in time for once,” Annetta answers. I look up from my plate stunned to see Logan, the guy I was dancing with at Saints party.

“I take it the ladies you both had in your rooms this morning won’t be joining us?” Ian says angrily standing from the table.

“Na, we kicked them out before sunrise grandfather,” Lucas informs him with a smug grin on his face.

“Lucas what have I told you?” Annetta says lifting her hand and smacking Lucas on the side of his head making me laugh into my cup just as I’m about to take a sip of coffee. Serves you right asshole.

He shrugs nonchalantly.

“Good. See that it doesn’t happen again. Now if you will excuse me I have an important meeting this morning to attend.” he tells him before directly speaking to me. “Jordina, as Anthony will be accompanying me you will go to school with Lucas and Logan this morning and come home with them, no detours, no exceptions. Is that clear?”

“Yes grandfather,” I say appeasing him until I can come up with a plan.

“Good. Leon will be stationed outside of your school for the remainder of your term to ensure that you all play nice with the Garo’s. See to it that no bones are broken,” Ian tells Lucas before coming back to me. “I will be checking in frequently throughout the day with Mr Wyatt to see how productive your day has been. Until then I will see you all at dinner.”

He buttons his suit jacket before retrieving his cane from under the table and leaves the room.

I finally look toward Logan who gives me a flirtatious wink. Better than a scowl I suppose. At least someone in this house likes me apart from Alicia and Annette.

“I wasn’t sure if I would see you again. I’m sure all this was a bit of a shock,” Logan says to me taking a mouthful of scrambled egg.

“A shock? No, I always wanted to be kidnapped and have my life turned upside down in front of my eyes. It’s been the highlight of my week.” I mock.

“Maybe I can make it all better for you then?” he retorts back in a flirty tone. “I had hoped to see you again, I just didn’t think we would be living under the same roof when I did.”

I shake my head not in the mood for his flirting. I just want to hurry up and get to school to see Lexy.