Page 118 of His to Ruin

I can’t. He’s never lied to me once in my life. I can’t watch his face now when he does.

“I can’t look at you right now. At either of you.”

“Then listen. When your mother came to me she was terrified. She was being used as a pawn for something that could never last. She knew if she told your grandfather he would make her get rid of you. Even under the circumstances of how you came to be in this world she couldn’t bring herself to do it because she was deeply in love with your father. You weren’t the product of a rape Jordin, you were made with love, trust, and devotion.”

“You lied to me,” I cry.

His face crumbles.

“I wanted to tell you so many times. Truly I did. I thought I could keep you from the danger that one day I knew in my heart you would inevitably face. When Ian called me to get Marcus out of prison I prayed he wouldn’t put the pieces together. But he did. Please believe how sorry I am that I didn’t tell you sooner. I thought we had more time.”

“THAT’S ENOUGH JAMES!!” the old man spits whacking his cane off the table making me jump.

“No Ian. If this is to be my last time with the girl I’ve brought up as my own for the past seventeen years then I want her to know the truth. Your mother was in an arranged marriage to Eric Garo but she loved another. His name is…”

A loud bang echoes the room making my eardrums ring. I watch moms mouth move. I think she’s screaming but all I can make out is a low muffle over the ringing noise as dad falls to the ground clutching his chest.

I stand as still as a statue watching the man tuck the gun back into his pocket as more men file into the room.

As if in slow motion everything comes back into focus.

“JAMES,” mom cries scrambling to get to him, uncaring about the crazy bastard with a gun.

I try to run to them but strong arms hold me back.

“Get your fucking hands off me. Let go of me. DAD. DAD,” I scream.

I scratch, kick, and punch at the big bastard holding me but he doesn’t so much as flinch. My eyes fix on mom who has her hand pressed firmly on dad’s chest just below his collar bone. She looks like she’s about to pass out. From shock or all the blood, I can’t tell. There’s no way out of this. I begin to pray. Pray dad won’t die, pray that mom isn’t next. I pray that we will make it out of this alive. That’s when a sharp sting pinches my neck and my world fades into darkness.

Chapter Fifty


Iwaketoapounding in my head worse than any hangover I’ve ever felt. For a split second I think it was all a bad dream. Until I open my eyes.

Where the hell am I?

Sitting up on the plush bedding I take in the spacious bedroom. Just as I’m about to call out for my parents my mind reels back to the events that took place the day before and the devastating revelations that came to light. I don’t even know who I am anymore. It’s as if the life as I knew it has been rubbed away by an eraser. It was all a lie. My name is a lie. Millie being my sister is a lie. My birth mothers name was a lie. Everything was was a lie. Who is my real father? My head spins with all sorts of questions I need answering. That man, Ian said I was his granddaughter, that I remember. Did he take me? Is this where I am? Is this his house?

I look over towards the closed door still dressed in yesterday’s clothes. At least no one undressed me while I was out cold.

I swing my legs to the side of the bed where I spot a note on the side table. Next to the note is a bottle of water and two small pills.


We await your company for breakfast in the dining hall.


I stand on shaky legs walking over to the door. I need to get the hell out of here. I expect the door to be locked but when I twist the nob the door opens with ease. My heart skips in delight only to fade when I hear laughter echoing down the long hall. The voices get louder as I slowly descend the last two stairs of a grand mahogany staircase that leads onto an entrance hall. Looking around I spot a door just off to the left hoping it will lead to my way out of here but before I can run towards it a mountain of a man wearing dark trousers, a crisp white shirt, and black-tie steps out from around the corner. His strong jaw is clean shaven and he has a body so toned he could carry me in one arm without breaking a sweat.

“Don’t even try it,” the man barks blocking the door with his big muscular body. “You won’t get far and even if you did somehow manage to escape. The entire grounds is surrounded by guards,” he says on a cruel smile. I don’t know why but this man doesn’t scare me. He looks like a jacked-up Mr Jones. He’s probably around the same age by the looks of him.

“Where am I? Who are you? Where’s my family?”

“Your family is waiting for you. Follow me and I’ll take you to them,” he says gesturing for me to walk alongside him. Is my family really here or is this a cruel trick? I follow him anyway because what the fuck else am I supposed to do.

The high-pitched laughter comes to an abrupt stop when I enter the doorway along with the man.