Page 80 of His to Ruin

I take a step back not knowing what the hell just came over me. All I can do is nod and without looking over to Jordin I pull on the handle letting myself out closing the door tight behind me.

Saints waiting in the hall with one foot pressed up against the wall. He doesn’t move when I approach him.

“What was all that about?” he enquires.

“All what about?” I respond in irritation.

“You know exactly what I mean, Caleb.”

“The bitches in this school are getting outta hand again.” I snarl. “They need put back in their fucking place.”

“I agree, but is that all it is?”

“That’s all it is,” I tell him aggravated. I can still feel the rage of what Christy did churning inside me. She’s done in this school. “Where is she now?”

“She’s still in the lunch hall with her pack of followers.”

“What are you going to do?” he asks.

“I’ll show her what it’s like to be the centre of embarrassment in front of the entire school,” I tell him smugly.

He nods in understanding leaving me to it. When we part I take off for the art studio almost tearing the place apart in my anger until I find what I’m looking for because Christy is going to be wearing it for the rest of the day.

Chapter Thirty-six


Dudewherehaveyoubeen? You missed it.”

“Missed what?”

“Some shit went down with Christy. I swear I almost pissed my pants I laughed that hard at her running outta school dripping in green paint.” Colton gloats.

“What happened?” I ask not letting on that I was the one who poured a full tin of green paint all over the crazy bitch. I may do vicious things for money but Christy, she’s vicious for kicks and that’s dangerous. I’ve seen what Georgina and her click of followers did to Lexy. Christy was just as much a part of it as Georgina was and that bitch needs to be kept far away from Jordin. I’ve enough enemies to watch out for without having to worry about hers as well.

“She ran out of school crying with green paint all over her. Man was she fuming. She looked like one of those Oompa Loopa people from Charlie and the chocolate factory,” he howls in laughter. “She’ll be washing that colour out of her hair for days.”

I inwardly laugh. You bet she will, especially with the amount of glue I mixed into the paint. It will be stuck to her for days.

“Where’s Saint got to?” I ask not giving two shits about Christy anymore. She got a taste of what was coming to her. She wanted to embarrass Jordin in front of everyone so I made sure she got the same treatment. Call it karma if you will.

“He stepped out to take a call. From the look on his sorry ass face it was likely Eric on the line,” I nod just as Lexy and Jordin come back into the cafeteria. Jordin’s leaning onto Lexy’s arm but at least she’s walking better then she was 45minutes ago. I can tell by the wince on her face every time she moves that she’s still in pain making me wonder why the fuck didn’t she just go home.

“By the look of the messed up mop on top of your head I’d say you were having some fun with her today, but fuck man you didn’t need to break the poor girl,” he scoffs wiggling his eyebrows.

I catch Jordin looking my way. My eyes eat up every inch of her body forcing me to discreetly adjust the raging hard-on I’ve had all fucking morning.

Her cheeks are still flushed making me remember the smell of her sweet perfume I inhaled when I kissed and sucked on her skin. She hasn’t put her hair back up and now all I can think about is fisting it in my hand as I take her from behind exploring that hot little body.

“FUCK,” I inwardly groan, my dick becoming more painful as it strains against my pants. I need to do something about this and soon before I get blue balls. It doesn’t help that Mel is walking my way in a top that doesn’t leave much to the imagination.

“Hey Caleb,” she coo’s in a voice laced with sweetness and sex. She lightly strokes the ponytail she’s draped over her shoulder like it’s a pet before bending over to give me a good view of her tits. She knows exactly what she’s doing, so I let my eyes fall to her main attraction. She wanted my attention, she’s got it.

“You look stressed. You know I’m training to be a physiotherapist.” She fluttering her fake thick eyelashes like a bird flapping its wings about to take off.

I don’t miss the meaning behind her words, nor the seductive way she trails her fingers along my thigh. Any other day I would have had her bent over a sink or put her on her knees to choke on my cock. But not today. Not with those honey brown eyes on me that I can’t get out of my fucking head.

Shaking my head I tell her, “I’m good, but maybe next time,” I add to soften the blow.