Page 66 of His to Ruin

She gives us a half-fingered wave before walking away to join Georgina and the others at Saints table.

“Don’t let those bitches get you down Lexy.”

“I don’t know what they see in her. She’s disgusting,” Lexy replies pushing the yogurt off to one side.

“Disgusting is mild compared to what I’d call her,” I say making her laugh.

I don’t know about Lexy but after that my appetites gone.

“Forget about them. They’ll find someone new to annoy if we keep ignoring them,” she says as I look over my shoulder towards them, regretting it the instant I spot Christy sitting on Caleb’s lap with her face buried in his neck. His hand is wrapped tightly around her waist. I know that I have no right to be pissed but I can’t help it. I am. All that crap he was spouting about me being his and not allowing anyone else to touch me, yet here he sits with another girl practically sitting on his dick after he had his fingers buried deep inside me. Maybe it was because of what I said about Mr Jones, but he deserved that. A look of disgust crosses my features just as his eyes find mine. I want to pull away but when he lifts the yogurt off her tray and sticks the same finger he just fucked me with and feeds it into her mouth I can’t. How could he do that with her after being with me? Tears prick the corner of my eyes as the feeling of betrayal courses through me but I swallow it down finally looking away.

“Fancy getting out of here for the rest of the day?” Lexy offers.

Clearing my throat I paste on a fake smile, “That depends. What do you have in mind?”

“Spit free popcorn and a movie at the mall.”

I giggle at that. Instantly feeling better.

“Spit free popcorn? I love spit free popcorn. That’s my favourite type.” I joke.

“Then let’s go,” she says getting up from her chair then lifts both of our trays from the table to empty the contents into the nearest trash can.

“You mean as in right now?”

“No time like the present. And I just happen to know that the new Avengers movie is starting in a half an hour.”

“Hum,” I say tapping my finger to my lip pretending to think it over. “An afternoon with Chris Hemsworth you say. As if I could ever say no to that,” I tease.

Hooking her arm in mine we leave without looking back.

Lexy was right. Spending the afternoon watching the new Avengers movie was so worth it. I mean what girl in their right mind would refuse watching Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans, Tom Hiddleston and Mark Ruffalo instead of going to school. Not me that’s for sure.

What I didn’t expect was to be back at the mall again so soon after Lexy dropped me home only a short while ago but mom insisted on taking Millie and me out for pizza as a treat, and to celebrate the news that dad finally won his case and is coming home next week. I haven’t stopped smiling. We’ve all missed him so much, but he will be here soon and that’s all that matters. I also made a mental note to come back to that restaurant because that pizza was delicious.

I yawn when we pull up onto our driveway. As much as I enjoyed getting out for a bit today, I’m exhausted.

“Right little miss, head straight for the shower and when you’re done I’ll tuck you in for the night,” mom tells Millie.”

“I’m beat. I’m going to head straight to bed,” I announce after another yawn escapes me.

After saying goodnight I make straight for my room and take a quick shower before Millie uses all the hot water and brush my teeth for bed. Except when I open the door into my room it’s in darkness. That’s strange I didn’t close the curtains before I went for my shower. Did mom come in and close them? I flick the light switch up and down a few times but no luck. Damn bulb must have blown.

I tighten the towel that’s wrapped round my body walking over towards the lamp that sits on my dresser. When I reach out to switch it on I’m suddenly swung around and pinned up against the wall. A cold hand presses down hard around my mouth stopping me from calling out to mom. My heart hammers in my chest when a rock-hard chest brushes against mine in the darkness. My arms instinctively pull at the hand holding me as I scrabble to get away, only realising the towels fallen from my body when I feel the cool air on my damp skin.

“Shush Princess. Stop fighting me,” the deep voice I instantly recognise as Caleb whispers.

I should have known it was him. It’s not the first time he’s been in my room.

He removes his hand but keeps my body pressed tight to his.

“Why are you here Caleb?”

“For you,” he says trying to distract me with kisses along my shoulder making me shiver.

“What about Christy?”

“What about her?”