Page 63 of His to Ruin

“I was dreading this wedding, especially at the thought of having to suffer the three of them on my own, but I think I might actually enjoy it now.” she cheerfully says putting her car into park.

A loud sound of an engine roars up next to us just as we exit the car. I peer over Lexy’s shoulder to see who it is but all I see is cigarette smoke bellowing from an open window on the passenger side. When it clears I see blue eyes stare into mine. I swallow hard. It’s the first time I’ve seen him since he came into my room, scared me half to death, then made me come so hard I saw stars. A pang of hurt hits my chest when he gives me with a knowing smirk just as Saints car rolls alongside his with Colton in the passenger seat.

Stupid girl, I inwardly tell myself. What did you expect that he would come running to you and sweep you up into his arms? The devil doesn’t come out during the day. He only enjoys playing with you in the shadow of darkness.

We begin to walk past them, neither of us prepared for the loud car horn that makes us both jump out of our skin. They roar in laughter whilst Lexy looks anything but impressed.

“ASSHOLES,” she yells.

“Ready to fight another day at Rose Bay Academy?” I ask linking her arm with mine.

“Let’s do this shit,” she says flicking her blond hair over her shoulder.

The first two periods roll by quickly and I can’t help but smile like a Cheshire cat at the B grade I received for my assignment. Mom and dad are going to be so pleased that I’m finally getting good grades again, and so am I. That was one tough assignment but the hard work paid off. The smile I’ve been wearing soon fades when I enter the class I have with Caleb. What I wasn’t expecting was for the only vacant seat in the class to be next to him. He watches me enter as if waiting for me then pulls the chair out gesturing for me to sit. I shake my head. Unbelievable. I plop myself down in the seat trying my best to ignore him but damn does he look good today wearing black jeans, and a white short sleeved Tee, showing off his inked arms.

Focus Jordin!!

I’m instantly hit with his intoxicating smell when he leans in close.

“Did you sleep well after I left?” he teases.

I retrieve my books from my bag not answering his stupid question. He knows full well how uncomfortable I slept with his cum stuck to my tank top all night long. Which I would have washed off the second he left, only I was afraid he would come back to check. His voice isn’t as deep or husky as it was that night but then again he’s not trying to get into my panties in front of everyone. No, he waits until were all alone and none of the girls that surround him can see.

I continue to ignore him when Mr Jones walks in instead of Mr Lowes making all the girls immediately sit up to attention. I mean sure, I can see why the girls in this school would fancy him but he’s not the one consuming my thoughts in the darkness of the night. Not the one I want whispering filthy commands into my ear. Not the one I’m wondering would look like in a suit for the wedding.

“Good afternoon everyone. I’m sure you have all guessed by now that Mr Lowes is off sick today so you have me as your substitute, instead of the actual sub who is off sick as well” he says holding out his arms.

The class cheers.

“Okay guys simmer down, simmer down. Mr Lowes kindly emailed me last night with everything he wants me to cover with you all today so bear with me two minutes whilst I see what it is,” he says taking a seat and holding his iPad in front of his face. Mr Jones reads the email aloud to the class which is all about a poetry workshop that Mr Lowes went to at the weekend and how the workshop inspires people to express themselves through the written word. The longer it goes on the more I zone out. It’s hard to concentrate under the weight of Caleb’s stare on my face. He’s so distracting that I ruffle my hair down to cover my face.

“Can you stop staring? You’re creeping me out.”

“Oh, am I now?” he taunts tucking the strand of hair I just pulled down back behind my ear so he can see my face.

“Yes, you are,” I quip looking at him just as a slow smile spreads across his gorgeous face making his dimples pop. Bloody hell those dimples. If my panties could make a noise they’d be pinging.

“You didn’t seem to mind me staring at you the other night. Especially when I was looking up at you from in between your legs. When I had my face buried in your sweet pussy,” he says coyly. “I can still taste you on my tongue.”

I shift as if I’m uncomfortable in my seat. What I really want to do is rub my thighs together. Clearing my throat I try my best to ignore him for the rest of the class, except that’s easier said than done.

“So to end the last few minutes of today’s class Mr Lowes would like you all to watch a short video on one of the most famous poets of all time and write an assay on it. Who can tell me who that is?” Mr Jones askes the class.

Multiple hands shoot up in the air.

“Yes Leon.”

“It’s that Shakespeare dude, right?” Leon declares making the class fill with laughter.

“William Shakespeare. Yes, very good Leon,” Mr Jones replies striding across the room to close each of the blinds then turns off the lights, plunging the room into darkness for a few seconds before the screen on the projector lights it up again.

I jump when my desk suddenly moves over towards Caleb’s. Before I get the chance to ask him what on earth he thinks he’s doing my chair is next to go, with me in it. He tugs it so close to his that I’m practically sitting on top of him. I move my knee away from his but he puts a strong hand on my bare thigh stopping me.

Why did I wear a skirt today? Keep ignoring him Jordin, I think to myself. He’ll get bored eventually. I’m thankful that we’re at the back of the class, although I’m pretty sure people heard the scrape of the chair moving across the floor. They’re just too scared to turn around to look. When his fingers move higher up my thigh I waver giving him my attention. When his darkened eyes search my face I turn away fixing my eyes back on the projector screen.

Mr Jones addresses the class pressing a button on the remote control.

“This will only be around five minutes long guys so pay close attention,” he instructs.