Page 50 of His to Ruin

“Brother, you got it back. That’s the main thing,” Colton reassures Saint who doesnt appear to be listening to him.

Saint’s phone buzzes when I approach. Glancing down I notice he’s watching someone’s movements on a tracker. He lets out a low growl before placing it back in his pocket.

“No Colton, that’s not the fucking main thing. I may have said there would be no consequences but fuck that. Whoever took it is going to pay. I’m sick of people thinking they can do what they want without consequences. I’m a Garo and the fucking king in this school. Some cunt has balls of fucking steel to think they can take something that belongs to me and get away with it! When I find out who this is and mark my words I will find out, I’ll cut his goddam balls off and feed them to him one by one.”

I nod before he continues.

“I’ll start with the one who told you where it was.”

“No one told me.”

“Bullshit! You didn’t suddenly develop psychic abilities overnight. Who the fuck was it?”

“I may not be a psychic but it doesn’t take a genius to work out the places big enough in this school to hide a bike. This monstrosity was the perfect hiding place. What’s left of it anyway” I lie, picking up the remains of the football teams red and black Rose Bay Tigers banner that was made for the teams upcoming football game next week when the state championship games begin.

Our school was chosen to host the first game this season after Saints father donated enough money to make the new stadium. Its NFL worthy. I was seriously impressed that they managed to get it all completed by the start of the first semester.

“It had to have been someone at this school. What I can’t figure out is who would have a death wish big enough?” Colton asks no one in particular.

“I intent to find out,” Saint replies lifting the bat of the floor swinging it around in his hand.

“It was probably some brain-dead sophomore dared to do it,” I state with finality.

Saint takes no notice of what Colton just said. His eyes stay firmly fixed on me with a look that would send chills down a lesser man’s spine. I’ve seen Saint in a blood lust before. I know the pain and damage he can inflict on a human body, but I will never fear him and he knows it.

“You know something?” he accuses.

“If I knew I’d tell you.”

“If I ever find out that you lied to me on this Caleb,” he says pointing the bat at me but it’s not a threat. I know deep down he would never go there with me just as I wouldn’t with him.

“I want to find who did this just as much as you do. Steal from one, steal from all remember? Believe me the person who did this is going to regret it. The main thing its back and unmarked. That’s all I’m saying.”

Believing the lie his eyes begin to slightly soften.

“Bastards lucky it’s still in one piece,” he states looking over the bike again like a mother looks at her new-born. He breathes a sigh of relief.

“Fuck, I need to get fucking wasted.”

“Hell yeah. Let’s get fucked up, bust some faces, and get laid,” Colton says trying to put a humours spin on the tense situation. He remains cautious but throws an arm around Saints shoulder.

“I’m gonna take some of that stress out on Stacey. She wants me bad man. She was practically begging me for it earlier.”

“And you’re telling me this because?”

“Because like Caleb once said. Sharing is caring my friend. There’s no better stress reliever than the high you get off dopamine when you’re coming down the back of someone’s throat,” Colton says thrusting his hips backwards and forwards with his hands out to mimic holding a head to his dick.

He can have Stacey. There’s only one girl I want to be buried deep in.

I shake my head in an attempt to stem the thoughts of what her body looks like when she’s naked. Fuck this I need a smoke.

“Catch you two later,” I tell them walking towards the door.

“Where you going?” Colton shouts.


Before he has a chance to reply I’m already out the door.