Page 48 of His to Ruin

I slump my head in defeat knowing that I need to bargain with him to get what I want.

“My cooperation.”

He gives me a knowing smile.

“I’ll speak with Saint. But if he’s made up his mind about something that’s it, there’s no changing it.”

“She’s allowed to have friends Caleb! To be free to do whatever she wants without any crap from you, Saint, or everyone else in the school.”

“If I do this you will do exactly as I tell you. No matter what it is Jordin. I will own you mind, and body. And make no mistake about that last part. Do you understand me?”

Is this worth it? Is it worth taking a gamble on Lexy? I mean she could easily be another Sarah and here I am ready to give myself willingly to Caleb for her freedom. The only answer I can come up with is yes. Because even if it does happen again its ok, because that is the type person I am.

I nod.

Giving me a tight nod back he leaves.

I walk straight to the sink rinsing my mouth out with cold water. He may think he owns me, that he can play me like a fiddle and force me onto my knees any time he wants. He’s dead wrong. I will play along for a short while until I know they will leave Lexy alone then I’m done.

Chapter Twenty-five


IfindLexysittingin our usual seats in our American History class.

She’s staring out the window nervously fiddling with a pen as I approach. I call her name.

“Lexy?” She doesn’t answer. “Lexy,” I say louder.

Her head whips towards me pulling her out of her daze. She’s shaking head to toe.

“Jordin, I’m so sorry. I swear I didn’t think he would have reacted like that.”

“Come with me quick before the teacher comes back.”

She gets up and walks out the door behind me. I want her away from prying ears, knowing that they would rat on us to Saint in a heartbeat. As soon as we exit the classroom, I pull her into a tight hug.

“It’s all my fault. I shouldn’t have done that to him,” she cries quickly.

“Okay breathe, just breathe. Take a few deep breaths Lex,” I say calmly.

When she takes a few calming breaths, I tell her.

“He found the bike. It’s over.”

Her eyes widen.

“He found it?” she says panic stricken and I nod.

“Like I knew he loved that bike but Jesus. He was like a crazed animal. How did he find it? Does he know it was me who took it?”

“No. He must have found it when he was searching throughout the school. The main thing is he’s got it back now and it’s still in one piece.”

She blows out a long sigh of relief.

“Let’s be honest though, it was kind of fun watching him lose his shit for a minute though wasn’t it?” I ask trying to relieve some of her tension.

“Yeah, but Jordin if he finds out it was me...”