Page 42 of His to Ruin

“If your cars still in the garage I can swing by and pick you up in the morning? Been a while since I had some of gran’s pancakes,” Colton offers.

“Na it’s all good man. Tristan’s on his way with it now. I’ll drop him back off at his garage on my way home,” I say pulling my pack of cigarettes from my jacket and throwing money down on the table to cover the meal and tip.

“Bring me in some to school tomorrow then?”

“No chance. They’re all mine.”

“You’re a greedy fucker.” He pauses for a second, “Fine then, it’s been a while since I’ve seen her so maybe I’ll swing round myself. She’d make me some in a heartbeat if I asked her nicely.”

“Fine asshole I’ll bring you some in. Happy now?”

“You better, and make sure she puts some of that homemade maple syrup she makes on them that I like?”

“You want one or not?”

“Erm did I not just say that? And it better be more than one,” he retorts.

“You’ll fucking get them as I give them, right?”

“Ouch. Touchy. Are you jealous or something because you know she’ll make some for me if I asked?”

Having heard enough from Colton for one day I fist bump Saint, telling Colton to grow up on my way out. Why does he always have to push. If I haven’t enough to do now I need to stop by the grocery store on my way home and buy this asshole pancakes because I can’t risk him coming to my home.

Chapter Twenty-one


Myheadthrobsfromthe two hours’ sleep I got last night. It was just after 3am by the time I got home from the job Eric sent me on. Nanna was wide awake pacing the floors for hours until I was finally able to get her back to sleep just after 5am.

Climbing to my feet I roll my head from side to side stretching out the ache in my neck, but it doesn’t lessen the pain. I look over to nanna who is still peacefully asleep. Last night’s sun-downing was bad, continuing into the early hours of the morning. I’m not sure how much longer she can go on like this especially with her memory loss being as bad as it is. Her cognitive ability that allows her to function on a daily basis is rapidly deteriorating.

It was almost two years to the day that we sat in the doctor’s office and my world fell apart for a second time.

Alzheimer’s Disease. If I was being honest with myself things with nanna hadn’t been right for some time. It started of small. She would forget names and places, which gradually led on to bigger things. The wandering started not long after that. I would get phone calls when I was at school from the teachers at my mom’s old school that she was standing at the school gates in her night wear. When they asked her who she was waiting for she told them my mom. On the nights she couldn’t sleep she would just wander up and down the hall almost wearing out the carpets. She once got it into her head that someone had kidnapped my mom. In nanna’s mind mom was still a toddler in school. I will never forget the way she cried all night curled up like a baby because she couldn’t find her. Fucking broke my heart when I had to remind her that mom was gone. It was the worst thing I could have done.

When nanna remembered it was as if my mom had died all over again.

It was so bad I had to ring the doctors to give her something to sedate her enough to enable her to calm down and sleep. I will never again make that mistake. Now when she asks where mom is I make up a story that she’s away to the shops or to school and will be back soon.

If only that were true. But I don’t see the point in upsetting her by telling her the truth. It will only cause her unnecessary heart break and pain. Its better she forgets than reliving the nightmare of losing someone you loved. Sometimes I wish I could do the same.

I thought long and hard when the doctors suggested that it might be best if nanna goes into a nursing home permanently, but when it came down to it I just couldn’t do it. She’s the only family I have left. I’ll do anything to keep her at home with me, even if deep down I know I’m running out of time.

It’s one of the main reasons why I do what I do working for Eric. I didn’t hesitate when he said he would pay for her medical bills if I worked for him. After the diagnosis she wasn’t able to care for me legally, but Eric was able to work around it by getting nanna to sign over legal guardianship of me to him. He knew how close Saint and I were and it would mean I wouldn’t have been shipped off into the foster system. But Saint and I are more than just best friends, we’re brothers. Not all bonds are formed through blood.

When I agreed to Eric’s offer that’s when I was introduced into the real Garo family. It began with petty crimes, but they were just tests. Eric wanted to see how we coped under pressure but every job we did was flawless. We evaded the cops more times than I can count. Not that we’d have to worry if we got caught anyway. Eric has over half of the police force under his pockets with hush money. You can’t be any shark in this ocean. There’s too many of them all with different hunting styles, strengths, and appetites. In this game you need to be the fucking Great White, the most feared of them all.

Eric’s not stupid. He knows that Saint and I are inseparable. It’s something he always used to his advantage. It’s no secret he wants me to be Saints second in command one day and knows I can’t refuse now I’m in his organisation. Once in there’s no way out except death. I used to think about it getting out, especially after finding out what it is that Eric really does, but it’s too late now. I sold my soul to the devil himself. The only good part it left is for nanna. The rest turned to blackened ash the day my family was murdered.

The deal I struck with Eric that meant I got to keep nanna here with me and make enough money to pay for her carer Suzie. That woman has the patience of a saint. I suppose that comes with the territory when you’re a retired nurse that specialised in Dementia care. But she’s not just nanna’s care giver, she’ been a friend of the family since before I can remember, always there in the background. She even offered nanna to come and live with her full time so that I can go off to college but it’s not on the cards for me. It never was. You don’t kill people for a mafia boss then get to go off to become a college student going to classes like a regular kid. There are no frat houses, no college parties, and graduations, only to end up with a 9-5 job. That’s not the life I get to live after signing my away soul. It was either I work for Eric doing his bidding or nanna would end up in a care home. There was no fucking way on earth I’d ever let that happen. Not for my sake, I’m damned either way, but for her. She’s my everything. The only link I have left to family. To my mother. I haven’t even told my best friend what’s happening with her. Every time the boys ask to come over I make an excuse. This is my business to manage and mine alone.

Pushing the button I turn on the shower and stand under the hot spray lathering up the sponge to scrub my tattooed skin whilst positioning the shower head directly on my neck, hoping the heat will help with the tightened knots. Maybe I’ll get Georgina to give me a neck massage. See if her hands can be as useful as her mouth. Pity that’s all she’s good for. However, Georgina isn’t the one I think about when I fist my cock until cum runs down the drain. Its Jordin.

I saunter into the kitchen for my morning coffee seeing that Suzie already has the coffee pot ready for me to pour.

“Morning,” she mutters tidying away some dishes I was too tired to wash last night.

“Morning,” I grumble rubbing my still stiff neck.