Page 41 of His to Ruin

Saint nods in agreement not having thought about it from this perspective.

What do you know maybe I don’t need to shoot my best friend after all. It was a good enough excuse, but he knows deep down that wasn’t my reason. Besides, I know that if Saint wanted her badly enough he would have already tried something with her. Trouble is she isn’t the one he wants. Its Lexy. He just won’t admit it yet, but he will soon. It’s only a matter of time before something happens between them. If it hasn’t already.

“Alright then I’ll do it,” Colton perks up.

I bolt upright in my seat shooting him a look that leaves no room for debate. “Like fuck you will.”

“No,” Saint replies.

Relief courses through my body.

“What do you mean no? I saw Jordin first. It should be me,” Colton spits becoming annoyed.

My fists clench ready to throat punch him into the next booth. No fuck that. I’m going to tear his throat out so I don’t hear him say her name again.

“You still have a record for fighting remember?” Saint reminds him. “There’s no fucking way lawyer daddy will let his little princess date a guy with a record. Plus, everyone at school knows you’ve been seeing Jada on the side for weeks which will only put a target on Jordin’s back from the girls on the swim team. It’s bad enough for Lexy and that’s just from being almost related to me.”

I quirk a brow at that. Maybe if he had left Lexy alone from the beginning then the girls wouldn’t have gone as far as they did. I don’t say that to him though. He already knows.

“Eric had that record wiped and you know it,” Colton argues, becoming more and more agitated.

“Did the spices in that burger go to your head, because you’re not fucking listening. The answer is NO,” Saints tells him more forcefully.

I’m the one who is going to fuck Jordin’s brains out. I’m the one who will get to know what it feels to have her spread out under me, making those heavenly noises, not him. Me. But make no mistake I don’t do girlfriends and Jordin is no exception. I’ll use her to get what we need and have a little fun in the process, that’s it. I’ve never had a girlfriend and that’s the way it will stay. Girls ask too many questions when they get too familiar. Poking their noses in where it doesn’t belong.

“Ima need your help first,” I tell Saint.

“How so?”

“You need to lay off Lexy until this is done. I can’t have Jordin distracted.”

He tilts his head thinking it over for a minute.


I was expecting him to put up a bit more of a fight.

“What? I said fine didn’t I?”

“Nothing it’s just I wasn’t expecting you to agree right off the bat.”

“It’s like you said, if being nice to her for a week or two gets you into that house and gets my dad off our backs then….” he shrugs.

“Fair enough.”

Its bullshit. He knows it, and I know it. He can’t help himself when it comes to Lexy. He had a severe dislike to the girl from the first day he laid eyes on her. But I also know that deep down he’s wanted to fuck that girl into the middle of next week. What he hasn’t figured out yet is that he can’t stop every guy that comes her way in the meantime. Eventually she will fall for someone and there’s not a damned thing he can say or do about it.

He knows once he turns of age he will be married to a girl of The Thorns choosing just like I will and there’s fuck all we can do to stop it, just like his brother. I almost feel sorry for him even though I know it won’t change a thing. If he’s anything like the others he will find comfort with a bit on the side if he doesn’t like his new bride. Most of the wives know about the side pieces and don’t give a shit so long as the money keeps coming in and they get to sit in their big fancy ass houses. Can’t be a mob wife in rags now can you.

The sound of an incoming text message rings out in my back pocket.

Suzie: Tonight’s not a good night. Can you come home? She’s asking for you.

“I’m off,” I tell Saint and Colton placing my phone in my pocket.

“Who are you running off so quickly?” Colton asks with a hint of intrigue.

“It’s my gran. She’s giving me shit because I haven’t been home much and I promised her I’d be home early tonight to help her with something,” I lie. I want to tell my best friend the truth about her but I can’t.