Page 37 of His to Ruin

“I get that, especially after everything you’ve told me.”

“Exactly. And if I knew his last name I might try to stalk him on social media.”

“So how’d this come about?”

“He texted me by accident one night drunk then texted me the following day to apologise. We’ve been texting back and forth ever since.”

“Do you think he goes to our school?” I ask trying to get as much information as I can.

“No. He’s home schooled I think. We haven’t met yet in person just texting for now, but going by his latest text messages I think he wants to.”

“So, what’s the problem?”

“I’m so nervous Jordin. It’s only been a few weeks. But the texts are getting a bit more, shall we say deeper.”

“How’d you mean deeper?”

“At the start it was just general chit chat and playful banter. Now it’s becoming more serious.”

“Like what coloured panties are you wearing?” I say smiling.

“Let’s just say I’ve had to replace the batteries in my vibrator more than once in the past few weeks.”

“TMI,” I giggle.

She shrugs playfully. “It’s true.”

“Sexting a stranger though. I love it.”

Her head lowers. “You don’t think it’s stupid?”

“No, not at all. It adds mystery and wonder to the date. More of us should do it that way. It’s like personality over looks. You get to know the person before you meet them. None of this swiping left or right on an app just by going on looks alone.”

“Oh, he wants to know me all right. That’s the problem,” she laughs, her face turning a deep shade of red.

“Stop blushing. There’s no shame in it. People do it all the time. Although, you haven’t sent any risky pics of yourself or anything like that have you?”

“Relax. I would never do something stupid like that. God, can you imagine if pictures like that got into the wrong hands?” she says on a grimace.

My face falls because that was me. I was that stupid. I wish I could confide in her that Max is blackmailing me but I can’t. I’m too ashamed of myself. And she’s right, who in their right mind would do that. Oh yeah that’s right a complete fucking idiot like me that’s who.

Oblivious to my inner self-loathing she continues. “I would love to ask him to meet up except I can’t because of the asshole who controls everything about my life.”

“So you do you want to meet him?”

“Obviously, but like I said, how can I? Saint will go ape shit.”

I quirk a brow.

“You don’t understand,” she says fidgeting with a bit of loose string on her jumper. “The last guy that asked me out in school…let’s just say it didn’t end well.”

“Do you like him?”

“I think so yeah. It’s the weirdest thing but I’ve never felt this way about someone I’ve never met.”

“Well then, why let Saint stop you? It’s just a date. He doesn’t need to know everything about your life, especially your love life.”

“It’s just we’ve never talked about where we live.”