Page 36 of His to Ruin

“What makes you think somethings happened?” she mutters picking a bit of lint off the comforter trying to distract herself but I can see right through it.

“Do you like him? You know it’s okay if you do. No one’s going to judge you for it.”

“Oh hell no. That’s just Saint being Saint. He’ll do anything to get a rise outta me.”

“The hot tattooed bad boy does nothing for you then?” I tease.

A frown flickers across her brows, “You think he’s hot?”

“Ha. I knew it.”

Her face softens.

“Okay fine,” she admits shifting around in her seat. “I won’t deny he’s the hottest guy I’ve ever seen and can charm the panties off a nun, but believe me after everything he’s had done to me for his sick pleasure I will never go there. Now can we drop it? And anyway you’re one to talk. I thought you never met Caleb before but he sure seemed to know you.” Her brows arch adding, “Anything you want to tell me babe?”

“Hardly, I don’t even know the guy but after everything you told me about them I’d rather stick needles in my eyes. But your right. The day at the beach wasn’t the only time I saw Caleb. Remember the day we first met in the mall?”

I tell her the full story of what happened before she found my shopping bag. Her eyes shine bright with laughter at picturing Caleb’s face when I flipped him the bird.

“What am I going to do Lexy? I swear if I had known I would have seen him again in school I wouldn’t have done it.”

“Honestly, I don’t think it would have made a difference. Besides, it was only a matter of time before they seen you talking to me in school. You would have been on his shit list anyway. Least this way he can see that you’re not scared of him. You got balls girl. Believe me not many get one up on them, but you did.”

“I’m not so sure about that,” I say. If only she knew the rest.

When her phone buzzes again her face lights up with a wide smile.

“Fess up. No one lights up that way over a text unless it’s from a guy and your phone hasn’t stopped all day. What’s going on?” I ask playfully.

“I didn’t wanna say anything cause there’s nothing much to tell.”

“So, it is from a guy…or a girl?” I quickly interject because I don’t want to make any assumptions.

“A guy,” she says shyly.

“I knew it,” I say pulling her in closer. “Does this mystery man have a name?”

“Liguor. No last name. To be honest I don’t want to know.”

“Liguor.” I say in a posh accent. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard that name before. Sounds exotic.”

“Like he’s from somewhere foreign,” she says dreamily.

“You don’t know where he lives?”


“So you dont know his last name or where this guy lives?” I ask. Truth be told I’m hoping its not some creep or one of those bitches from school playing with her.


“How come? Does he know yours?”

“I just told him to call me L.”

“Why L?”

She shrugs. “I dunno. I guess I’m just scared that I will scare him off if he finds out I’m somewhat related to Saint and Eric.”