“Fuck this is bad. Drugs and guns are one thing but sex trafficking… fuck, that’s a whole other level.”
“Marcus was getting close to finding out the truth about what your dad was up to. He couldn’t take him out without your grandfathers approval and it would have only raised suspicions. That’s why he had him framed instead. As soon as that cell door slammed shut on Marcus that was it.”
“Fuck me.” Saint says, perching down on the bed next to me. “If my grandfather finds out about this…”
“He can’t. I mean that. If he does I’m a dead man.”
“But how? Like how the fuck does he get past Maloti when they own the docks?”
“Your dad bought an offshore oil rig. That’s where he stores the coke, keeps the girls, and holds the auctions. The buyers fly in on helicopters then leave after they get what they came for. He’s making millions Saint. If your dad gets his hands on the docks he can control everything. Coke, guns, women. Everything. Worldwide distribution. There’s no good outcome here. No fucking peace. Do you really want to live like that? To see the men that work for him all die. For our friends to get their heads blown off for money?”
“I’m not saying that this is okay. Not by a long fucking shot. But what can we do? We can’t stop this now the wheels are in motion, but we can change things. We don’t have to be like them. When it’s our turn to rule we can put a stop to all of this. No more sex trafficking rings, no more prostitution, and no more drugs. We don’t need all that to show people how ruthless we are. We can walk away from all that bullshit and have our own legit businesses just the way we planned.”
“I know. Fuck I know. It’s just…”
“He’s the boss for now, Caleb. His word is law. You know he will kill you if you try to fight this.”
I bow my head, sighing in defeat because he’s right, Eric will kill me.
“This is so fucked up.”
“I know. You don’t think I know that? But when it comes to us, you and me, nothing needs to change.” Saint declares, but he’s wrong. Everything has changed in the week since her death, since I laid her to rest next to my mother, since I made love to Jordin. I don’t give a fuck about myself, it’s her I care about. When I saw her wearing that necklace everything changed. I changed, because it means that somehow she is a part of this messed up world. I just need to find out what side she belongs to and where she fits into all this.
Chapter Forty-nine
Iwelcomethelittleflutters in my chest at the thought of seeing Caleb again. I can’t believe I’m saying this but I think I missed him. I lie in bed each night waiting to hear my window sliding up. To feel his body heat envelop mine. But there’s been nothing. Lexy said he’s barely left the house except to get stuff out of his nanna’s. My heart aches for him. Aches at the thought of him going through this all alone. No one should ever have to bury their entire family.
“Jordin, can you come in here. There’s something I need to talk to you about,” Dad calls out as I walk past his study.
Opening the door I spot mom sitting in a chair opposite him with tears brimming in her green eyes.
“Everything okay?” I ask becoming concerned at dads sombre expression.
“Sit down Jordin,” he orders in a serious tone I’ve never heard him use with me before.
I look over to mom who sits in the chair opposite him. Her red swollen eyes look down to her fidgeting fingers, a sure tell that she’s nervous or anxious about something.
I slowly sit down in the vacant chair, “What’s going on? Has something happened?”
The look of despair on his face brings me to a sudden realisation that I haven’t seen Millie this morning. “Where’s Millie? Where is she?” I demand jumping out of the seat as my heart begins to pound furiously in my chest. Something is clearly very wrong here.
The room is tense like someone has just died and they don’t want to tell me who.
Moms voice is shaky. “Millie’s not here honey. We dropped her off at a friend’s so we could talk to you this morning in private.”
“Dad?” I question. “What’s going on?”
“Please just.. sit down.”
I look between them as I retake my seat. “Your worrying me.”
“There’s something I need to tell you sweetheart. Something I should have told you a very long time ago about your birth right and who you are.”
I look around the room for the camera because clearly someone is playing a practical joke on me. Right?
I clear my throat as a tear slips down his face. He reaches out across the desk taking my hand in his. Bowing his head his face crumbles.