Page 60 of Tex (Burnout 2)

Then Mark had made a surprising revelation. A sub? She couldn’t imagine it. Not by a long shot. Mark tied up at the whim of some woman’s mercy. For a second she felt a pinch of jealousy. Not that she wanted to be some kind of Dominatrix. Lord knew she didn’t have that in her. But this, what she had with Mark, this connection, these feelings. He’d had that with someone else? It bothered her to think about. Fortunately or unfortunately she didn’t have to for long, because he called her ‘Abby’.

Oh, the dreaded ‘Abby’. ‘Pet’ was fun. ‘Pet’ she’d gotten used to now that she knew its meaning. But ‘Abby’? ‘Abby’ meant scary BDSM time. ‘Abby’ meant something new and strange and possibly not wonderful was about to happen. ‘Abby’ meant “Brace yourself, darlin’.” So she did.

And he stuck something in her. Hurt. He’d said it would hurt. But not harm. She would come through it, whatever it was. At first she’d thought he was going to fuck her. And yes that would hurt. Considerably, since she’d failed at her anal training on the first god damn week. But whatever it was it was not a penis. Probably not even a dildo. It didn’t feel right. It was cold and wet, but smooth and not that big. It didn’t hurt at all. Which had Abby more than a little confused.

Suddenly, he swept her up in his arms and carried her to the living room. He laid her on the floor and left the room for a moment. She heard the sound of running water in the kitchen and was lost in the confusion of the night when slowly, steadily, downright motherfucking menacingly whatever it was that was stuck inside Abby…began to hurt.

She immediately clamped down on it. Oh, my god! she thought. It hurt. No, it didn’t hurt. It was starting to fucking burn! She squealed and clamped down harder. The burn intensified.

“Now, pet,” came Mark’s voice from just out of view. “Don’t clench. Clenching makes it worse.”

Abby bucked her hips. She could barely concentrate through the pain. Fuck. She felt like she was being set on fire from the inside. The ball. The ball. She still had the ball. She was about to drop it to signal the session needed to stop immediately when he said, “I’m considering ending our relationship.” She stilled. She’d failed. The one thing he’d asked her to do, keep a damn plug in, and she’d failed miserably, or so he thought. But it had just come out. She hadn’t planned on it. It was an accident.

As if he read her thoughts, he said, “Not because of the plug. Although that’s a separate issue on its own, why you won’t accept anal play. No. My biggest concern is trust. I don’t trust you. You don’t trust me. Even though you promised, swore to me, that you would. Part of trusting me is telling me what’s happening. Why things aren’t working; what things need to be changed. You’re not giving me that, Abby. And relationships like these cannot work without it.”

Several things happened to Abby at once. The first thing was she realized she did not want to lose Mark. The second thing, that only reinforced the first thing, was she realized that while he’d been talking, she’d stopped clenching her ass. And the pain that was there before was now just a mild burning sensation. He’d told her not to clench. The spanking with the spoon had been to exercise her ability to control her reactions. He had given her all the tools she needed to endure this punishment and if she would just listen to him, it would have gone much more smoothly.

Would she have even been punished at all if she’d just been honest? As she thought about, she realized, yes, Mark would still have punished her. But maybe not with this last part. She started to cry. Mark took pity on her, knelt down beside her and removed whatever it was that was inside her. She looked up at him, tears streaming.

“Will you talk to me, Abby?”

She nodded and he reached behind her head to unbuckle the gag. She gasped as it came out. “Please,” she begged. “Please, don’t leave me.”

Mark sat down on the floor beside her, picked her up and settled her into his lap. “Honey, I’m not trying to manipulate you. I’m really not. I do think maybe you’re not ready for this. Or maybe it’s not for you. I have no idea. Because you won’t tell me. And so whether you’re a submissive or not, you’re not ready to be my submissive.”

“I- I just need more time,” she insisted. “It’s moving so fast and it’s all new and things are happening-”

“What things?” he prompted. When she didn’t answer, he said, “Abby, what things? And if you think it’s moving too fast, just say so. Don’t break the things I give you in some passive aggressive attempt at controlling our relationship.”