Page 111 of Tex (Burnout 2)

“I know,” he told her, slamming into her again. “I know, baby. You need my cock inside you to come hard.” He grabbed her wrists and pinned her arms above her head with one hand. He kept ramming her, getting close, grinding his pelvis into her mound to stimulate her clit. Abby fought against his hold, not really wanting to be free, just enjoying the feeling of being helpless. “That’s right,” he growled, slamming her hands back into the padded carpet. “You just have to take it. Take. my. fucking. cock.”

Abby screamed again and bit down on the gag hard, another more powerful orgasm ripped through her. She sobbed and fought and screamed, never wanting any of it to stop. Ever. She was reduced, once again, to Mark’s crying, needy, greedy fucking pet and she wanted nothing more than to crawl onto his lap, cock impaling her in whichever hole pleased him most, and stay there forever.

Mark had taken off the gag and moved them to the more comfortable couch. He was stretched out across the length of it and she was on top of him, snuggling against him. “How do you know everything?” she asked him, trailing her fingers along his arm.

He chuckled. “You tell me.”

She frowned. “No, I don’t. I said I did not want my pussy whipped. And you told me it would make me come.”

“I’ve got a pretty good idea of where your pain threshold is at the moment. I know how hard to spank you to make you come, and how hard to make you cry for punishment, without actually seriously hurting you. Your brain tells you some things are wrong or scary but, like I said, your body trusts me. It knows who owns it. Your brain will catch up. You can’t undo two decades of programming in just a few weeks. You’re trying, Abby. You’re really, honestly trying and that makes me incredibly happy.”

“But don’t you want anything?” she asked quietly, half interested and half anxious about the answer. “You made me tell you my stranger fantasy, but you have some, too, right? So far, everything has been for me. I…want to do something for you. But I don’t think I could do fisting,” she added. “It’s- that’s too much. I can’t. And I don’t think that’s just my brain. My pussy can barely take your cock. But do you want anything else?”

He brushed her hair lightly. “Abby, I appreciate the offer. But I’ve been doing this for a long, long time, and the things I want, you’re not ready for them. Not yet.”

“Can we try? Can you- I mean- is there like a triage? Can you pick an easier one and we’ll give it a shot? I really, really want to do something for you.”

“Abby-” he protested.

She straddled him, getting up on her knees. “You said people do that. Subs. They do things just to make their Doms happy. I want to do that. I want to make you happy. I might fail, but at least I tried.”

He considered her for a long moment. “Alright,” he said finally. “There’s a specific fantasy that I couldn’t do with girls in clubs for various reasons. If you’re really serious, we’ll try tomorrow. But, Abby, parts of it will not be pleasant for you. It’s my fantasy, strictly for me. What you want doesn’t enter into it. You can safeword if it’s too hard for you, but you won’t get pleasure out of some of it.”

“We’re trying it,” she declared firmly.

“Well, I’ll try to take it easy on you, and-”

“No,” she interrupted him. “It’s your fantasy. You get it exactly the way you want it. No adjustments just for me.”

“Okay,” he agreed. “It won’t be scary at all, but it’ll be a challenge. I’ll do it the way I want, and if you can’t take it, you safeword.”

She nodded. “Deal.”

He grinned up at her. “I’m so glad I gave you a drawer.”

“And a key,” she reminded him.

“And a key.”

Abby grinned. “Though, I have to say, I’m surprised you didn’t just put in a doggie door.”

He grabbed her and rolled her off the couch, coming down on top of her, but cushioning the back of her head with his hand. “Oh, you’re going to get it!” He pinned her down with an arm over her chest and tickled her belly just below the line of the corset.

“Stop!” she shrieked.

“Oh, no. You bad, bad girl!”

“I can’t breathe,” she said, laughing.

“You sassed me, pet! And sassy little pets get punished!”

He tickled her until she was panting and her face was probably as red as the corset. He dragged her back up to the couch and sat her in his lap. “Tomorrow,” he informed her. “We’ll try it tomorrow.”

Abby knew better than to ask what ‘it’ would entail. “Tomorrow,” she agreed and hoped it was something she could do.