Page 73 of Tex (Burnout 2)

He laid her down in the empty tub and removed all the cuffs and the collar. He ran a hot bath for her. He ordered her to lean back, wet her hair, and he washed it for her. She closed her eyes and leaned into his touch. He bathed her by hand, rinsed her, and toweled her dry. He fastened the ankle cuffs, the wrist cuffs and finally the collar and carried her to the bedroom.


He laid her down gently and she settled into the mattress. It wasn’t until she felt his weight next to her and his hands rolling her to her side that her eyes fluttered open. She felt the tug of the plug. “Push out,” he told her. She did and squealed as the widest part of the plug moved past her muscle ring. He quickly pushed something else against her and she tried to move away. “No!” she cried. “No more! I can’t! Stop!”

“Hush,” he told her, holding her down on her stomach, placing his large hand on her back, and pushing the next plug inside her. This was one bigger impossibly bigger and Abby cried out.

“I hate this! I hate you!” she yelled once it was fully inside her.

“No, you don’t,” Mark told her, pulling her into his arms. “You’re exhausted and you’re angry with me. You don’t hate me.”

“Why do you need this?” she demanded.

“We both need it,” he told her.


“I need it because I need to own every part of a woman. I love the feeling I get when a woman trusts me enough to let me control her. It’s sacred to me when she knows she’s putting herself, her safety, her life in my hands and she knows I will do nothing but cherish and pamper her for it.”

Abby choked back a sob. “How many?”


“How many have there been? Before me? Or are there some you still see?”

As upset as she was, Mark’s voice remained calm and soothing. “Like this? None. I’ve only ever played in clubs. Most women you meet at clubs won’t go home with you, for safety issues. That and they’re scared to be outed. Club play is only half-real though. There’s always a bouncer or dungeon master or some mentor looking out for everyone. They know it’s safe, that’s why they only play there. I’ve never dominated a woman in my home. Ever.”

“But you have…equipment. Hardware. Metal rings in floors.”

“Because one day I wanted to meet a woman that would see the risks and accept them anyway, because she trusted me.”

“But I didn’t trust you! I texted my friend. I set up safety nets.”

“I know. And that made me like you even more. No smart woman is going to automatically give up control to a total stranger when she first meets him. And I’m only interested in smart women. You set up safety nets; you felt me out; you tested the waters. And then you came to me of your own free will and did something I never thought I’d ever ask any woman to do, give me total control over her body, even if only temporarily.

“I love that you did this. I can’t tell you how much it means to me. I don’t want to live this 24/7, but the fact that you would do this for me, even on a limited basis, means more to me than I could probably ever tell you.”

“Why are you like this?”

He shrugged. “Why are some people born with green eyes and others blue? I have no idea. My parents had a great marriage. My mother submitted to my father.” He chuckled. “Although I’m fairly certain it never even remotely resembled this. But he loved her for it.”

“You’re looking for a woman like your mother?”

He laughed. “No. You are nothing like my mother. Trust me. I don’t think she’s ever said a foul word in her life and she sure as hell never let a man tell her to masturbate for him. I mean I guess you’re both independent and intelligent, but beyond that you don’t have much in common. And you don’t look anything alike.”

Abby snorted. “Well, that’s good to know.”

“I’m a regular perv. Not a perv perv,” Mark told her.

She considered this. “I’m not any kind of perv. Or I wasn’t before I met you. Now I don’t know what I am.”

“Tell me what your last lover was like,” he asked.

“I don’t know if that’s such a good idea.”

“Why not?”

“Because earlier I had some thoughts along those lines and I didn’t very much like where those thoughts were headed. I don’t want to think about those thoughts.”

Mark considered this. “This would be earlier in the kitchen where if I’d returned five minutes later you’d have run outside naked just to get away from me?”

“I wasn’t going to run. I was just…”