Page 65 of Tex (Burnout 2)

“I-” Fresh, hot tears stung her eyes. “I don’t- I can’t-”

“Decide. Right now. Or I will decide for you. You have very few decisions this weekend, pet. I suggest you take advantage of my generosity.”

She closed her eyes and remembered the ginger, the burning. Why endure it and have to deal with the enema anyway?

“I-” she licked her lips. “I want the enema.”

“I want the enema, please, Sir.”

“I want the enema, please, Sir,” she sobbed.

Mark leaned down and kissed her temple. “Very good, pet. Very good.”

He parted her again and inserted what she now knew was a plastic tube into her. She heard a slight click and felt a warm sensation in her bowels. Odd, but not horrifically unpleasant.

“You’re dirty,” he told her. “Or so you think. So we will clean you. Inside and out. My fresh, clean little pet. Ready for her assfucking.” She tensed. “We’ll work up to it. Don’t worry. We have a long weekend of training ahead of us.

Abby was quietly crying on the floor, unable to stop the tears, but not sobbing hysterically. She sniffled a little. “Please, stop.”

“No, pet. Shh now. It’s alright.” He rubbed her back gently. “All nice and clean.”

Abby felt a gurgling in her stomach and she clamped her thighs together. “No. No, no, stop.” Mark ignored her. “It hurts!” she cried.

“What hurts? Cramps?”


“Okay, okay,” he said, sounding unruffled. She heard a click and the pain slowly subsided.

“Better, pet?”

She hated that she was forced to admit it was. “Yes,” she gasped.

“Good. You’ll tell me again if it hurts.”

Abby felt her bowels getting heavier and heavier. “Oh, God. Oh please. Sir.” Yes, call him Sir. He likes that. “Sir, it’s…too much. I feel-”

“Like you have to go? It’s normal. It’s a small enema though. Just saline. You can hold it.”

“I can’t!” she sobbed.

“You can and you will,” he assured her.

“No I-”

“You want some privacy when you go?” he cut her off sternly.

He wasn’t seriously going to watch her go? It was unthinkable. “Yes!” she shrieked.

“Then earn it by being still and quiet and accepting your enema like a good little pet.”

Abby swallowed and tried to focus on nothing but her breathing. Occasional spasms would hit causing her to groan. She felt his hand on her rounding tummy. “Hurting?”

“No, Sir,” she whispered. He squeezed her, she moaned. “Good girl. Such a good girl. Are you dirty?”

“Yes,” she groaned.

“Are we going to clean you?”


“Okay, then. Relax.” She heard another click and felt a rush of warm liquid. She squealed and pressed her legs together. She heard a final click. “All done, pet. Hold it, please.”

She groaned. “Please.”

“Just for a minute. This is the only one for today.”

“For today?” she whined.

“If I’d used soap, you’d need another one immediately after to rinse it out. Thank me for my thoughtfulness, pet.”

“Th-thank you, Sir.”

“Good girl.”

He parted her cheeks and she reflexively tried to hold them closed. “I’m just taking out the tube.”

“No, don’t.”

“Pet, pet, pet. You don’t want it in you, you want it in you. Which is it?”

“If- if you take the tube out I might-”

“Evacuate? I’ll go slow. Hold it in. It’ll be just fine. It’s a small enema pet, it’s not putting too much pressure on you.”

He slowly worked the tube out and Abby started panicking, trying furiously to hold everything in.

“Oh, God,” she gasped. “Oh, God I have to go.”

“You did a very good job, pet. I’ll give you some privacy.” He unhooked her wrists and helped her up. He tossed the tube and the enema bag into the sink and propelled her toward the toilet. “I’ll be back in ten minutes.”

She sighed with relief as he walked out. She slammed the toilet lid open and waited as long as she possibly could hoping Mark was out of ear shot as she let go. The relief was instantaneous. Oh, God don’t let there be another one, she prayed silently. I’ll be a good girl. The best girl. The best pet ever. No more enemas.

She was washing her hands as Mark came back in. “Everything come out okay?” he asked, smiling.

She glared at him.

“Watch yourself,” he snarled, his friendly demeanor instantly gone.

Abby’s heart lurched. “Yes, Sir.”

He set a bottle of liquid dishwashing soap on the counter. “Clean that,” he said pointing to the tube. She set about that task as she heard him turn on the faucets for the bath.

“Into the tub, pet.”

Abby nodded and stepped in. Strangely enough he hadn’t filled it much. It covered her thighs and her lower belly but nothing else and there were no bubbles. He knelt down beside her and took the bar of soap off the shelf. He dipped it in the water and lathered it in his hands. She watched in surprise as he began to run his hands along her breasts, bathing her.

His hands skimmed her belly and she closed her eyes. Despite everything, his touch could still turn her on. She groaned.