Page 130 of Tex (Burnout 2)

Abby toyed with the felt at the edge of the table. “He’s everything I want, too,” she admitted.


Two hours later the group had splintered. Doc had found a woman at the bar and was about to close the deal with her. Easy and Hawk were trying to outshoot each other at the craps table. Slick and Shooter had wandered to off to no one knew where and Mark was busy nuzzling Abby’s ear from behind.

“Ready to go upstairs and be naughty?” he asked quietly.

She smiled and ran her hands along his arms. “More than ready.”

They practically sprinted toward the elevator and when they were inside, Mark jammed the button to close the doors before anyone else could get on with them. He pushed her up against the side of the car and ground his cock into her. She paused in their kissing long enough to hiss, “Cameras!”

“Let them watch,” Mark declared, sliding a hand up Abby’s leg, but stopping just short of truly indecent.

When the car stopped and the doors slid open, he tugged her out and hurried toward their door. After fumbling with the electronic key card for a moment, he finally got it and the door swung inward. They made it as far as the couch where he sat down, pulling her on top of him, and his hand found the spot he’d refrained from caressing in the elevator.

Abby moaned appreciatively.

And then the phone rang.

She tore her lips from his and glared at it.

“Ignore it,” Mark ordered, reaching for the hem of her dress and pulling it up over her hips to reveal her panties.

It rang again and Abby groaned. “It might be important,” she protested.

“Nothing could be that important,” he decided, nipping her bottom lip.

The phone rang a third time and Abby sprawled across his lap to reach the extension on the end table.

Mark slapped her ass. She yelped.

“Bad girl!” he admonished, but he was grinning.

Abby picked up the receiver with one hand, balanced herself on her elbow, and rubbed her stinging cheek with her free hand.


She listened for a bit, then glanced back at Mark over her shoulder.

“What now?” she asked. “You what?”

She rolled slightly off Mark’s erection, making him groan, but only in disappointment.

“I’ll be right there,” Abby promised to the person on the phone and hung up. She slid off him and off the couch entirely and straightened her dress. “I have to run downstairs. I’ll be back in ten minutes,” she swore, fleeing for the door.

“You are so getting an ass whooping when you get back!” Mark called after her.

Riding the elevator down to the lobby, Abby smoothed her hair and attempted to fix the wrinkles in her dress. Glancing at herself in the hallway mirror, she thought she looked halfway presentable as she reached the Hotel’s Security office. Not bothering to knock, she twisted the handle and let herself in.

Chris was sitting in one chair, elbows on his knees, hands covering his face. He looked more irritated than anything else. Sarah was sitting next to him, crying. When she saw Abby she gave a huge sigh of relief, but she didn’t stop sniffling.

“Paul,” Abby said, acknowledging the Hotel’s lead detective.

“Abby,” he said, doing a very fine job of hiding his grin. He jerked a thumb toward Chris and Sarah. “These two say they’re guests of yours.”

Abby nodded. “They are. What, exactly, did you say you picked them up for again?”

Chris merely shook his head.

“Prostitution!” Sarah wailed.

Abby struggled mightily not to laugh.

“I caught her soliciting him in the Hotel bar just off the casino,” Paul intoned.

Abby shook her head. “I’ll take them from here. Thanks, Paul.”

Paul nodded.

Chris and Sarah may have been mortified, but they were far from the first married couple to attempt to spice up their sex life with a little role play in a Las Vegas hotel. Chris stood up and stalked toward the door. Sarah flung herself at Abby and weeped. Abby herded her friend out of the Security office and back toward the elevators.

“I’m so embarrassed!” Sarah cried.

Chris jabbed the button and the three of them stepped into the empty car. As the doors slid shut Sarah cried out, “I am not a hooker! Why does this keep happening to me?”


The next morning, Abby packed her bags and they were carried down to the lobby by the bellhops. She didn’t miss Kyle Dugan standing near the entrance to the administration offices, making sure she was actually leaving town. She took one last look around the Canyon. She’d spent her entire life here, had always thought that she would live here. But times had changed. And, if she was being honest, there were memories here that she didn’t necessarily want to keep.

Las Vegas was a town like no other. A jewel in the desert that shone like a beacon, an oasis. The trouble was, it could easily turn out to be a mirage. And by the time you realized the truth, it was usually already too late.