Page 145 of Wicked Praise

Knox slowly shook his head. “No, thanks. I’m a career man, not a family man.”

“Speaking of, any news on the case?” Daniel asked both him and Bella.

Blake shared a look with his wife. She nodded.

“We found out this morning that the courts have approved the request to have him tried in Philadelphia,” Blake said.

“More importantly,” Bella added. “One of the shareholders called me a few days ago to say she had video evidence of him forging the document.”

“Holy shit,” Ward said, tossing his napkin on his plate.

Blake nodded at him.

“He’s done.” Daniel smiled.

“It probably won’t go to court. If he’s smart,” Blake predicted. “The legal team seems to think he’ll negotiate with us now and step away from the company.”

“Either that or five to ten years behind bars,” Jacob tacked on.

“Yup. I hope so,” Bella agreed.

“It’s either prison or he walks away with his tail between his legs.” Blake smirked.

“So, what are your plans once he does?” Blake’s mom asked Bella.

“Well, I have six or seven months until our bundle of love arrives,” Bella answered, running her hand over her tummy, sending a shiver of joy through him each time she did it. “I’m not experienced or capable of being the CEO, so I’ll get my wonderful husband and legal team to help me appoint someone temporary while I meet all the board members.”

“Very smart. We are all here to help,” Ward said.

“Ditto to that,” Daniel chorused.

Blake dropped his eyes and lifted his glass of water to his lips.

Fuck, it was amazing to be part of this family.

Now he had an extended family of powerful, loyal, and loving people.

Along with a wife and child on the way.

How did Blake get so damn lucky?

Bella leaned over, picking up on his emotions, and kissed his cheek. He gripped her cheek with his hand and placed his mouth over hers.

“Ahh, ahem, so can I have everyone’s attention.” Samantha cleared her throat.

Bella sat back in her chair and Blake lowered his brows. He glanced at Jacob and then around the table.

Ward was watching his mom.


What the hell was happening?

“Life is a funny old thing sometimes.” Samantha Dufort began. “How our families have been brought together by Blake and Bella.”

“Mom,” Blake said with a hint of warning.

She shot him that mom look back.