Page 130 of Wicked Praise

It didn’t matter now. She’d made up her mind. But perhaps it would give her some answers.


“I work for Kennedy Enterprises. I work for your father,” Cain divulged.

Bella’s world wobbled on its axis as she stared at the man she had thought she would spend her life with.


Her stomach lurched as all the pieces had started to fall into place.


Randall Scott was a sociopath. He had followed her life from the very beginning and knew exactly what she was up to.

“He paid you to leave me,” Bella whispered.

“If I answer that question, I think we both know what could, what will, happen,” Cain said, shaking his head.

Then he stood, dropped a hundred-dollar bill on the table, and walked away.

“Goodbye, Bella.”


After what had beena life-changing experience—not just drinking half his body weight in Macallan and eating a whole pizza—with his Dufort cousins, Blake's world was looking a lot different as he made his way back to the hotel.

Daniel, Fletcher, and Hunter were investing in InkWell.

Yes, he was giving away 75 percent of the company, but in exchange, they would help him grow it and make them all fucking rich.


For the first time in months, Blake was feeling optimistic. It was going to be hard to let go of having full control and trust in their decisions, but he did.

He trusted them.