Page 47 of No Dirty Secrets

“I’m hungry. Can we stop at Dunkin’ on the way home?”

Ridley laughs, but I hear her slowing down already. “Yeah.”

I peek through half-closed eyes and see that we had been coming into town anyway, so there is a Dunkin’ right across the street.

“Woot.” I clap. “You know what I want.”

After we have two bagels with cream cheese and an entire box of glazed munchkins, I am all set.

“Thanks,” I mumble around a mouthful of bagel. “You’re da best.”

Ridley snakes her hand into my munchkin box and steals one before I can slap her hand.

“Driving tax.” She pops it into her mouth. “You know the rules. Driver always gets a bite of whatever she wants.”

The bagel tastes delicious, and I follow it up with a few of the munchkins. By the time Ridley pulls up to my parents’ house a few minutes later, I am feeling pretty good. At least until I open the car door.

In front of a yard full of people, I have to run to the bushes to keep them from seeing me get sick. As soon as I have my head down in a bed of lupines, I let everything come back up. Bagels do not taste as good coming up as they do going down.

Another car is parked in the distance, but I am too busy losing everything I’ve eaten in the last twenty-four hours to really care.

When I finally finish and wipe my mouth, pushing Remy’s dog Daisy out of the way before she tries to eat it, I am ready to die.

“Are you sure you’re not pregnant?” Kennedy leans over the railing next to the flowers I’ve just fed with my vomit. “That’s like the third time you’ve blown chunks this week.”

“I have no clue,” I tell her honestly when I think about it.

Cole is the only one I’ve been with, and the last time we’d been together was almost two months ago.

But I also haven’t had my period since then, either. I thought it was just stress.

“I might need a test,” I say woodenly when I finally stand up from the kneeling position I’ve been in.

“I think I have one.”

The very last voice I expect to hear is standing in my yard.

In Maine.

I turn around slowly and swallow deeply, trying not to pass out.

“Looks like you won the bet.” Emmett kisses Sori on the head as she tries to reach into her purse while holding on to her son. “I concede.”

Sori let go of Laurence’s hand, and he runs straight for Daisy, who proceeds to lick what looks like chocolate off his face.

“Surprise!” Sori smiles shyly, still rifling around in her bag until she pulls out a foil-wrapped test. She holds it out like it’s a present on Christmas Day.

“Let’s go find out if you’re pregnant!”



Two little lines.

I’m locked in my mom’s bathroom, trying to figure out how to climb out the window and run away through the woods without hurting myself or the baby.

The baby.