Then, when I think he’ll start again, he surprises me even more. He leans forward again, pressing his lips to mine, giving my body time to adjust to his.
“You’re perfect.” He kisses my nose. “But this is going to be rough.”
Literally, he could not have said anything more perfect in that moment. My body has gone far beyond simply being ready for him. Unconsciously, I clench around his length and Carter groans.
“Yep.” He kisses me again. “Very rough.”
Then he fucks me. There are no other words for what happens between us. He holds on to my body and gives me every single bit of force that he can manage.
Until I’m practically screaming with pleasure, and my body feels like it will implode at any second.
I feel his body tense and immediately think he will hit his orgasm before I get another one, but I should have known Carter won’t do that. He lowers his face to my neck, biting down on my collarbone. Then he moves one of his hands between our bodies and presses my clit between two fingers.
He fills me up completely, keeps me off-balance, and the added pressure applied to my clit sends me right over the cliff. I don’t even realize that he moves a few minutes later because my body hasn’t bothered to come back down from the high yet.
He unlocks the cuffs, kissing my wrists as he does so. “You didn’t struggle.”
Sex-haze fills my brain, making it hard for me to form words. Yet, I can see how important my answer is. Carter watches me, his eyes dilating with every breath I take, worry written plain as day across his features.
“I liked it.”
He kisses me in response, which I figure is the most I can ask for. Then he moves off my body and clears the way so that I can get cleaned up. I close the bathroom door and lean over the sink to look at myself in the mirror.
“Damn, girl.” I trace the bruised bite on my collarbone and smile.
Then, while I turn on the water and get in my shower, I start to plot my revenge. If Carter wants to mark me, even by accident, I can sure as fuck mark him back. Oh yeah, and I’ll have fun doing it.
Plan in mind, I pull the nightshirt that hangs on my towel rod down and slide it on. When I open the door, I have a smile on my face. One that immediately vanishes when I see Chris and Liam sitting on my bed. The handcuffs are dangling from Chris' fingers, and he smiles at me knowingly.
Carter, though? I don’t see him or his pants anywhere in my room.
He apparently left. After the best sex in my entire life. That asshole has finally gotten his revenge.
“What. The. Shit?”
I didn’t run away. I forgot my phone in my truck. When I walk out of Avery’s bedroom after she gets in the shower, both Liam and Chris are sitting in the living room with a giant bowl of popcorn between the two of them.
“That,” Liam says while applauding. “Was better than porn.”
Having grown up with three brothers means I have the very useful ability to hide any sort of reaction or embarrassment. It also serves me well as a police officer.
“Way to go, Matthews.” Chris pops a handful of their snack into his mouth and crunches loudly. “You sneaking out before she demands round two?”
I look down at my bare feet, and the fact that I don’t have a shirt on, and raise an eyebrow. “You think I’m running away without my shoes… Or my shirt for that matter?”
“I mean, it’s exactly how I’d handle it after what she did to you.” Chris eats another handful of popcorn.
Liam shakes his head. “Don’t listen to him. He’s crazy. The sex sounded too good to pass up on.”
“I’ve gotta get my phone.” I point at the door. “Try not to do anything stupid while I’m gone.”
When I walk back in after getting a call from the captain about the Zucker case, Chris and Liam are gone from the living room.
“What. The. Shit?” Avery’s high-pitched voice comes from the bedroom and I haul ass back in there. Only to see Chris and Liam sitting on her bed, with my handcuffs. Avery stands in the doorway, her eyes filling with tears as she stares at the floor.