Page 58 of Wanted By You

He loves you, ya know. Duke’s five little words repeat in my mind.

I bite my lip. He can keep saying all the nice things he wants; I’ll accept them happily. It won’t change my mind on where this night is about to lead us.

And I don’t think I’d have it any other way.



“Did you want towatch a movie or…” I hesitate saying the wordshead to bedout loud. My cock is already stirring with Cassidy pressed against me how she is now. I don’t need to set any expectations on her if we decide to call it an early night.

“We can, if you want,” she says, her hand caressing low on my back. It feels so damn good I want to flop over on my back the way Frankie does and let her rub me all over.

I am truly gone for this woman, there’s no doubt about it.

“Or…we can go upstairs and finish what we started last night,” she offers with a smile on her lips and a naughty spark in her eyes. Her soft caress on my back turns to a light dig of her nails as she tugs my shirt up to untuck it.

I grin wide.Whatever my girl wants.

I don’t hesitate, bending at the knee and scooping her into my arms bridal style. Her laughter urges me on as I head for thestairs, slender arms locking around my neck. I take the stairs carefully two at a time, mindful of the woman clinging to me. Passing the open doorway to the guest room, I’m grateful Duke chose to crash in there rather than my room.

Cass sees him, too. Dirty boots still on, half flopped on the bed at an awkward angle. “Maybe we should—”

I grunt, steering us toward my room and depositing her on the edge of the mattress before I flip the light switch on. The glow from the two bedside lamps illuminates the room with a soft, golden light. And the way she peers up at me—long, dark hair down and brushed to the side, smooth, pale neck tilted back—has me cursing my asshat of a brother tenfold. “Stay here,” I say. “I’ll get him sorted.”

I fight back the urge to stomp my feet down the hall out of sheer aggravation and hurry to yank off my brother’s boots and set them aside. I shove his lower half fully on the bed and call it good. Not much else I can do when he’s chosen to fall on top of the covers.

Stepping back into my bedroom, I close the door behind me, grateful she listened so well and hasn’t moved from where I planted her on my bed.Good girl.

“Everything all right?”

I nod. “We’re all set.”

She smiles, scooting back on the bed further, an open invitation in her eyes. I close the space to her and sit on the edge of the bed. My girl doesn’t miss a beat, she crawls to me and slides into my lap, straddling me. My hands find her hips once again as an unwelcome sense of uncertainty surfaces. The desire—no, theneed—to get this right with her overpowers any dick-led impulse.

“We don’t have to do anything tonight, Sunshine,” I tell her truthfully. “This was only the first date of many.”

“Hmm,” she hums, toying with the buttons on my shirt as she pops them open slowly. My cock swelling with every slip of her fingers will be my undoing. “I don’t think I’d consider this our first date.”

My brow furrows. “You don’t?”

She shakes her head, sliding her hands down to undo another button. “By my count, I’d call this our…sixth date.”


Her confident, beaming smile has me entranced as she lists off all ourdates. “The night you invited me out to the bar to see the band play. The evening you came over to patch my roof and we had dinner.” She punctuates each event with a tick of her finger to keep track. “Our hardware store date. Cleaning out the shed. Last night I made dinner and we watched a movie…” She pops her thumb out on her other hand to get her accounted six. “And tonight. Six.”

I chuckle. “I don’t know if I’d count any of those other occasions asdates.”

“Well, I do.” Her voice is sultry as she pops the last button on my dress shirt, tugging the fabric up and out, exposing my bare chest. Her eyes sparkle as she glides her hands up my arms, over my shoulders, and down my pecs, her nails a lingering promise of what’s to come. “And do you know what happens on the sixth date?”

My grip tightens on her hips, guiding her down and grinding her against the hard bar of my engorged length. Her breath hitches and I feel her bear down, the lightest bit of moisture dampening my jeans. “Fuck,” I growl, switching my right hand to the back of her head to bring her lips to mine.

Like satin, her lips glide over me, pressing and opening. Her tongue slowly careens over my lower lip and a wave of hot pleasure engulfs me. Kissing her is like winning the fucking lottery.

She moans before nipping my bottom lip. “I have a confession to make,” she whispers. Slowly, purposefully, she shifts her weight to ease her legs from my lap to slide down to her delicate knees on the hard floor. I nearly reach out to drag her back to me when she undoes the buckle of my jeans. Her hands are much quicker at work compared to the buttons of my shirt. “Do you want to hear it?”

My mind swims to recall what she said a second ago, too engrossed in watching her confidence bloom before me. “What is it?”