Page 15 of Wanted By You

Tanner shrugs. “She was having a good time from what I saw before that asshole showed up. No doubt she’d be down for a good time to make up for that bullshit.”

Stan slaps Tanner on the shoulder like a proud father. “Not bad, kid.” Turning to me, he says, “You got your line, work on it tonight. Don’t go fuckin’ stuttering or some shit. I know this is your first time on the other end of things.”

Tanner’s mouth hangs open. “What?He’s never had to hit on a chick before? What the—I need to start working out.”

I tug Tanner into my side, throwing a heavy arm over his stocky shoulders. “Stick with us kid, and we’ll get the ladies workin’ for you.”

Stan guffaws. “Yeah, until you find one you obsess over for three years, but don’t have the balls to talk to.”

I scowl, punching Stan in the arm as hard as I can. He winces and grabs his arm. “Fuck you, Butch. Ya know what, I hope she tells you to go suck your own dick.”

Tanner gives me a thumbs up. “I’m rootin’ for ya, boss.”

I slap Tanner hard on the back. He winces. “No one likes a kiss ass, Tanner.”

I slept like shit last night. Which never bodes well for my mood. Not that much does, but still. Waking up this Friday being the day I’m going to make amoveon Cassidy…well, it’s not the day to be a top-notch prick.

I pull out of the long drive on my ten acres where my solid two-story, three-bedroom, two-bathroom log cabin sits with views for days and an overhang porch I nearly died building. Equipped with a boner-inducing mancave in the basement and a separate two-car garage that Duke envies. The fact I live here alone is heaven, most days. And other days hell.

I’ll never admit it to anyone, but it gets lonely being the town asshole.

Maybe I should get a dog?

I make the fifteen-minute drive over to Cup O’ Joe in no time at all. My leg is jumping, I’m tapping the steering wheel like a nervous dweeb. What the hell is wrong with me? All I’m asking is if she’s doing anything this weekend, and going from there. Butwheream I going from there? What do I say after that?


“Be cool,” I tell myself, parking out front of the coffee shop. “Don’t be an asshole.”

With the pep talk of the century ringing in my ears, I hop out of my truck and make my way inside. The bell chimes and Cassidy’s already filling up my coffee like always. Approaching the counter, she sets the cup down in front of me. “Morning,” I say.

She smiles up at me. A smile so stunning my face heats.Be cool. Don’t be an asshole, I remind myself,and stop blushing, you loser.

“Morning,” she replies, moving toward the display. “What kind of cookie will it be today?”

“Chocolate chunk will do.” I toss a twenty on the counter to buy me some time while she gets my change for once.

She nods, getting my two breakfast sandwiches and cookie, putting them in a bag and placing them beside my coffee. When she takes the money and starts gathering my change, I know it’s now or never. “You got any plans this weekend?” I ask, far more casually than I feel.

Cassidy hums, tipping her head to the side. “Catching up on laundry most likely.” She bumps the register drawer closed with her hip as she hands me my change. “You?”

I toss the coined change in the tip jar, pushing the bills into my pocket. “They’ve got that live band playing tomorrow night at Tavern Nine again. You planning on going?”

Cassidy raises a brow at me. “Are you?”


My cock throbs watching her draw her plump lower lip between her teeth. She watches me for a long moment—long enough that I’m about ready to throw myself into oncoming traffic if she doesn’t say something soon.

“Maybe I’ll see you there,” she finally says with a small smile.

I fight back the twitch at the corner of my mouth. Keeping my expression impassive, I grab my coffee and breakfast. “Sounds good.”

Cassidy’s smile grows. “Have a good day.”

I nod, turning and heading to the door. “You, too.” When I get to my truck, I play it cool until I pull out and down the road before I grab my coffee. Turning it, I read, “One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor.”

The smile that spreads across my face is painfully wide and genuine. I chuckle to myself, something I don’t do often. And I don’t think I’ve ever had a faster mood change than I just had in my fucking life.