Page 10 of Mr. Bentley

“Who’s fucking hot!” Charlize cries. “Look at him.” She claps her hands together. “Holy shit balls, I’ve had a brain wave. You know what would be really perfect?”

Imogen and I glance at each other and wait for it.

“Spare us, will you? It’s been like a hot minute and you’re already cooking something up,” I groan.

She ignores us. “What if you boned Mr. Bentley to get back at James?”

I pinch the bridge of my nose and shake my head. “Umm, firstly eww, and secondly, are you out of your mind?”

“Answer me this, then?” she goes on, since there’s no stopping her now. “Does he have a better body than his twenty-eight-year-old son?”

There is literally no competition. “Ugh, yeah,” I reply without having to think about it. James went to the gym, but he wasn’t ripped like his father is. “He’s obviously gifted.”

“I rest my case.”

“We shouldn’t be doing this.” I take a big, long needed sip of my margarita.My brain doing somersaults.

“Doing what?” Charlize pretends to be confused.

“Perving on Mr. Bentley,” I whisper-shout.

Imogen looks between me and Charlize. “You’re not actually serious, Ari? I mean, it’s not our fault. He’s out on display with hot swimming shorts on, and his tattoos all out on show. What are we meant to do, not look?”

“She’s just pissed because she should have gone for the dad, instead of the son,” Charlize says matter-of-factly. Then she ducks when I toss the sunscreen at her head.

The fries arrive, and I smile sweetly to the waiter as he sets them down on the side table. “Because it’s just wrong,” I snap once the waiter leaves. “On so many levels.”

She smirks. “That’s only because now you’re probably thinking about if he’s better in bed than James ever was.”

I shake my head, trying to get that vision out of my head. “You are deranged. Has anyone ever told you that?”

She taps her nose while she laughs. “You are so thinking it.”

Imogen laughs right alongside her. “She so is.”

“The both of you need your heads examined. That’s so gross.”

Charlize takes a wedge and shoves it into her annoying mouth. “You’re just saying that because it’s taboo. You’re not supposed to get off on looking at your ex’s dad. But who made those kinds of rules? Who says you can’t?”

“Uh, most of Seattle, probably,” I reply. “I could just see the headlines now, and I’d rather die. Not to mention, it’s ridiculous.”

She sits back and sighs. “I’m so over society dictating what you should be doing in the dating world. I’m happy being sexually free. I’ve no problem with it. But some men are threatened by that, like they’re the only ones allowed to play the field.”

“Sounds like most of my exes,” Imogen agrees, sagely. “When I met Nate, everything changed, including all my preconceived relationship ideas before him. I think it depends on the person. It’s about the connection. In fact, that’s the only thing that matters.”

“Have you two ever thought about going on Dr. Phil?” I snark.

“Thought about it but couldn’t be bothered.” Charlize sighs.

Imogen may talk some sense, and though Mr. Bentley is hot as fuck, I’m seriously going to drown my friends in the pool if they keep it up.

“Can you imagine, though…” Imogen starts again. “It would be a middle finger to James, and I bet his dad is way better in bed.”

I block my ears with my fingers.

“Well, if you’re not going to have a go, Ari, do you mind if I do?” Charlize taps her chin in contemplation, as she and Imogen both fall about laughing, like a pair of demented hyenas.

“Have you two finished?” I snap. “That’s beyond disgusting.”