Page 90 of Mr. Bentley

I wince. I know that loyalty runs deep with Ariana. Her upbringing, him cheating, the way she always gives one hundred percent to everyone else and puts herself last. But that’s all in the past now. She’s learning that it’s okay to put yourself first, and that it’s okay to get the things you actually want.

“That’s a low blow, and you know it,” she snaps back. “There is no excuse for cheating, James, none. I didn’t deserve that. I deserved better. You were busy too, and I never went looking elsewhere, so that’s just a cop out. Turn that finger around and take a good, hard look at yourself.”

“You’re starting to sound like him!” he barks, nodding in my direction. “Or worse, my mother! Wait, do I have to start calling you mom now?”

I snort a laugh because he’s so fucking out of line. “That’s utterly absurd,” I cut in. “And really immature for a man who’s almost thirty.”

“Is this what you called me over here for?” He swings his head back to me. “To humiliate me even more? To rub it in my face?”

I link my fingers on the desk and look at him like he’s five years old.

“Contrary to what you think, this isn’t about you. It’s about me and Ariana, and our future,” I say. “So, you may as well get used to it.”

“I think I’m going to be sick.”

I ignore him. “I know you’re leaving for Vancouver soon.”Thank fuck.“And I personally didn’t want things to end like this, but that choice is yours. I can’t, of course, speak for Ariana, but after the way you treated her and how you’re talking to her now, you’re lucky she’s even sitting in the same room as you, much less trying to make peace and be friends.”

He rolls his eyes arrogantly. “I’m lucky?” He pokes himself in the chest. “I feel like I’m in the twilight zone. I’m not fucking friends with her, and I’m certainly not fuckinganythingwith you!”

God, he’s such a spoiled brat. I feel a surge of disappointment in my chest. He’s a grown man for Christ’s sake.

“One thing you could never do is get over yourself. Nobody did anything on purpose, and we certainly didn’t do ittoyou. It just happened, and we’re happy. Not that I expect you to care about any of that, but that’s the truth. And when you can give your loyalty to one woman, you might find some happiness ofyour own. Or, keep playing the field of lying and cheating and see where that gets you.”

He snorts, then turns back to Ariana. “Is he a better lay than me?” he snarls. “Is that what this is? Try us both out and see who makes you scream louder?”

“James!” I bang my fists on the desk, making them both jump.

“No,” she states calmly, as if choosing her words carefully. “Your father knows what a woman wants, unlike you, so there’s really no comparison, and I’m not going to indulge you or sink to your level because you’re lurking in murky waters. I don’t want to be a part of it. I’m happy, and your father’s happy. I’m sorry you’re not, but that isn’t our problem.”

I like how she saysour.

His eyes go round, and I stifle a laugh, even though this isn’t funny in the slightest. I didn’t want a fucking fight, and my head is pounding from all of this.

Still, it has to be done. We each have our lives to live.

“You fucking bitch!” He stands angrily, and I do too, ready to pounce on him.

Ariana just looks up at him with pity.

I knew this wasn’t ever going to go well, but I didn’t expect him to go postal.

“James, that’s enough! I won’t have you speaking that way to Ariana, or to anybody, in my house.”

“So she can say whatever she likes?” he throws back.

I shake my head exasperated. “I can see that we’re not going to get anywhere with this tit for tat. I hope you have an enjoyable time in Vancouver and come back with a different perspective, and perhaps a better attitude, though that’s just wishful thinking.”

“That’s it?” he screeches. Real meaning: no money?

Ariana goes to stand and doesn’t look at James. “I’ll leave you to it, I’ve said what I wanted to say.” She doesn’t like getting involved where money or tantrums are concerned.

James looks at her as I give her a nod. She turns to leave and then looks over her shoulder, meeting his eyes.

“Oh, for the record, James, you never made me scream.”

He opens his mouth, then closes it again as she disappears.

I hold my smile as I round the desk, and we face each other.