Page 57 of Mr. Bentley

“Am I really?”

“Yes,” he confirms. “And there’s no way to win with that train of thought.”

“Who says I’m trying to win?” I fire back, anger striking me from every angle.

Have I made a really big mistake?

He sits up, leaning his head back against the headboard. “Let me get this straight, I ask you one simple question and you get this upset?”

I don’t know why but his disappointment makes me feel insecure. I don’t need his approval.

“I’m not upset,” I say, pulling my clothes on rapidly.

“No? Then why won’t you look at me?”

I turn and purposely stare at him. “You have to admit… this is a little… strange.”

He sits up, looking like a fucking perfect Adonis as the sheet pools around his waist.

“Strange how?”

I shake my head.

“Because I mentioned James?” he surmises as I refrain from answering. I wish he could just stop saying it. “You’re just acting out because you feel guilty, is that it?”

“Acting out?” I say, astonished, feeling the heat rising in my body. “What are we, five years old?”

“No, but I expected a bit more from you, Ariana. You’re acting like a little childish.”

I snort as I pull myself together. “Well, thanks for the pep talk. I’d better be going.”

He runs a hand over his face. “Don’t go,” he says, but he doesn’t get up. If he does, I’m afraid that I’ll just give in and do what he wants.

“I have to.” I look at the floor, remembering our perfect, beautiful, lovely night. And now I’m ruining it because all I can think about is how wrong this is.

“Are you coming back?” he asks.

I look up quickly, unsure why he’s asking me that.

“I’ll message you later,” I say. I’m quick to get away. “I… I had a really great time, Lukas. I’m sorry, I just have to go...”

He nods once, like he doesn’t believe me, and I practically run out the door.

I manage to sneak into my suite, my heart racing the whole elevator ride down, without waking the girls. It’s still early, and I shut the door to my room, then take a long, hot shower.

I don’t exactly like the thought of washing his scent off me, though. I play our conversation over and over in my mind, remembering the confusion in his eyes when I left.

I know Lukas Bentley isn’t used to women dashing out the door like that. In fact, he looked livid. But he was right on one thing; I am feeling the guilts.

I may not have loved James but imagining what he would say if he found out had me fleeing Lukas’s room like my ass was on fire.

I don’t know why I care, it’s not like he did when I caught him in bed with another woman.

He didn’t give two shits about me.

I’m confused.

I’m confused because I didn’t want me and Mr. B to end and that’s stupid.