Page 39 of Mr. Bentley

“I’m sorry, Mr. B…”

He holds up a finger to my lips, and before I can protest, he moves back in and kisses my neck, biting gently as I try not to convulse right then and there against the door, in the hallway, for anyone to see. I want him to touch me, relieve the ache. I want to see what he’s made of.

Instead, I squeeze my eyes closed and pray this never ends as my hands clutch onto his strong, wide shoulders.

I try not to imagine his mouth moving south, sucking me, biting me, giving me what I need with his tongue alone.

“It’s only Mr. Bentley if I were inside you, Ariana,” he breathes against my ear. “But trust me when I say, you’re not ready for that. You’ll never be ready for that.”

He presses a box into my hand as he mutters something in another language, thenturns to leave.

I lay pressed upright against the door, his kiss still assaulting my body in the aftermath of its deliciousness, and I’m so freaking horny right now that I don’t know what I’m going to do as I stare at his back.

When the elevator pings, he strolls in, turns, pulls on the lapels of his jacket and says, “Happy Birthday, Ariana.”

Then the doors close, and he’s gone.

I continue to stare at the shiny pressed metal as the lights tell me he’s going up. To the Penthouse.

Holy fucking crap.What just happened?

I bring my hand to my chest, then look down at the little box he gave me.

The box lid reads:Cartier.

Oh, holy shit. He didn’t…

I open the lid and the most beautiful, shiny, elegant pair of diamond stud earrings stare back at me.

They’re simple but absolutely stunning.

He bought me fucking Cartier?

My heart races as I press my fingers to my mouth, feeling his illicit kiss, and how I’ve never felt more alive in my entire life. It held the promise of so much more.

And he’s right, I’ll never be ready for that, because Mr. Bentley is a red-hot silver fox.

If his mouth and tongue are that skilled and have the ability to bring me to my knees, I wonder what else he’s capable of with his other body parts. I shudder to think, and sigh out loud when I remember his hard cock digging into me.

I made Mr. Bentley hard.

Not only that; I made Mr. Bentley lose his composure.

A sick smile spreads across my face. If I weren’t so horrified at my actions, I’d be mildly impressed with my efforts.

I did make the first move. Technically.

It’s like I’m having an out of body experience, and what’s worse… now I’m going to have to tell my friends what just happened.

There goes the neighborhood.

Chapter Eleven


I definitely have no explanation for my actions.

I know she kissed me first, but that’s hardly an excuse. I flirted with her all night at the table.