Page 44 of Mr. Bentley

She’s out of my league.

Ariana Michaels is in a whole league of her own. She doesn’t need to be tainted by me.

“I was… shit, I don’t know how to say this.”

I gesture to the balcony; she might feel more comfortable sitting down.

When we’re settled outside, she begins again.

“I thought about it long and hard, Lukas, about… about what we did, or what wealmostdid.”


We’re gonna have the sex talk. Oh, great.Like this isn’t awkward enough.

I don’t interrupt her as it seems she wants to get this off her chest.

“And I don’t know why I’m feeling like this, but I can’t… I’m just going to come out and say it... I can’t stop thinking about you.”

Her faint voice fills every part of my being and wraps me in her warmth.

Shut. Her. Down.


“I know. I know.” She waves her hands at me, a flush coming over her pretty skin that I quite enjoy. “It’s wrong. It’s really, really wrong on so many levels… but haven’t you, you know, kind of wondered?”

“Kind of wondered what?” I repeat. It takes all of my might to not reach over and run my hand up her knee and give her thigh a squeeze, just to touch her. That won’t help me.

“What it would be like,” she whispers, like someone might hear us. She looks up from the table, her big, blue, beautiful eyes assessing me for my reaction, and I’ll admit, I did not expect that. “Us.What we’d be like together.”

I feel like I’ve been hit in the face. Repeatedly. And there ain’t a damn thing I can do to stop it. I have fucking wondered. All night, in fact.

Stop it?I scarily ask myself the dreaded question; would I really want to?

Chapter Twelve


I really don’t know what they put in my coffee this morning at the buffet, but things are flying out of my mouth that don’t even belong there.

The truth is, when Lukas told me that he was leaving, I panicked.

I panicked because I laid awake all night thinking about him.

About his touch.

About how gentle he was with me… up until the kiss, that is. He wasn’t very gentle with that.

How I felt when he steered me out of the restaurant, and the elevator, his hand on the small of my back. How he sends shivers down my spine whenever I lay eyes on him.

I mean it; it is all wrong. It’s dirty. But I can’t help how I feel.

I want Mr. Bentley.

I look down again, and he reaches over and tilts my chin up with his fingers.

“Don’t hide from me, Ariana,” he says in his low, sexy voice. “Whatever we have to say to one another, it should be done with absolute honesty, and I thank you for yours, but don’t hide your beautiful face from me.”