Page 4 of Mr. Bentley

I smile back. “Thank you.”

It’s not her fault I’m jilted, broke, and a little bit tipsy.

No, this is the new me.

I’m a strong, independent woman and I don’t need a man.

I don’t.

Two weeks in paradise, here I come.

Chapter Two


I take a seat by the window in coach and stare out at the tarmac. It’s dreary as usual in Seattle. The best thing about going to a warm climate, is the thought of lying by a pool and eating nothing but burritos and drinking cocktails. And I’ll finally get around to reading that hot new romance on my kindle. I can’t remember the last time I bought a book, much less read one. The monotonous thrum of everyday life has just gotten in the way of simple joys like reading for pleasure.

It’s amazing, the amount of clarity you get when you’re newly single and on the rebound. It’s like your life flashes before your very eyes, and you may not like what you see, but you’re too preoccupied with moping to care.

I wonder if I can order some more bubbly...

I never drink like this, but those few glasses have certainly taken the edge off.

Nobody sits in the seats next to me yet, not that the plane is full or anything, and I hope it stays that way so I can spend the next six hours losing myself in the selection of movies on offer. Another thing I haven’t indulged in for at least six months is seeing any new releases.

I begin to scroll through the channels. There’s a new Hugh Jackman movie out, or better still, absolutely anything with Jason Mamoa in it. I could do with a perve festival.

As I glance up, I see Mr. Bentley boarding.

What the fuck?He’s going to Cancun, too?

I suddenly remember it was him that gave me the heads up on the package deal at the resort I booked. I wanted to surprise James, and his father mentioned the resort he stays at and how nice it is, hence why my credit card is maxed out, and it isn’t even the best room they had.

I sink down farther in my seat, but it’s not like I need to. Duh. He’s not in cattle class. He turns left to first class, and I watch him disappear up the aisle.

I really hope I don’t run into him. He’s probably aware that me and James broke up by now, but if not, then I’ll have to tell him and it’ll be awkward. Or, who knows? He may even give me a pat on the back.

I wonder what it would be like flying first class, just once in my life. The thought is indulgent.

And no, I didn’t get with James because I thought he was rich. He actually isn’t, because dear old dad keeps making him go to work and won’t give him his inheritance.

I giggle in my seat, and the lady in the aisle opposite spares me a glance.

I don’t know what she’s looking at. It’s my party, and I’ll cry if I want to.

It could be worse; I could be still with the jerk and not know he was cheating. Apparently, he’s been screwing this girl from his administration department for months. My stomach curdles at the thought. I slept next to this bastard night after night and lived with his lies.

I settle on watching Sweet Girl, the new Jason Mamoa flick. Nothing like a hottie, badass, pissed off father, out for revenge,with his teenage kid in tow, as they fight the bad guys and vow to bring justice to the innocent. Swoon.

I buckle up and search around in my purse for snacks. I’m not one of those girls who doesn’t like to eat. If I’m not snacking, I start to feel faint.

While I rummage, thankfully finding a jumbo pack of M&M’s, the flight attendants come down the aisles to check that everyone is buckled in and help people with dumb questions.

I’m just about to rip the bag open when out of nowhere I hear; “Surprise!!!!”

I jump at the same time I open the bag, and the M&M’s go flying in the air. Lots of little colorful balls land on the people in front of me as I splay them with chocolate treats they didn’t know they wanted.

I gasp as I gape at my two friends, while also trying to apologize to the people in front of me, now wearing my M&Ms as ornaments.