Page 24 of Mr. Bentley

She smiles as she tries not to look at my chest. “The best I’ve had in a while.”

I smirk, and with my back to the wall, so I’m facing the length of the pool, I ask, “Why did you lie to me at the airport, Ariana?”

She turns to me, her cheeks slightly pink as the realization dawns on her.

I don’t know what to make of this delightful creature, and I know I’m playing with fire, but I’m not going to act on any of it. It’s a bodily reaction, nothing more.

She’s cute, alright, point taken, but she’s not interested in me inthatway. Why would she be? She can have any guy she wants, ones half my age.

But I still wait for her answer, wondering what the hell my fucking asshat of a son did to her.

Chapter Seven


I bite my lip as I try to think of the right thing to say, but when nothing comes to me, I just tell him the truth. “I was embarrassed.”

I don’t know why, but Mr. Bentley has this thing where you can’t lie to him. It’s like he commands the truth out of you, no matter what.

“Embarrassed about what?”

I shrug. “Our breakup.”

“I don’t see what’s to be embarrassed about, it happens. I just hope that James didn’t do anything wrong, anything untoward… did he?”

I gulp and take a sip of my drink. I don’t know what’s come over me.

I’m not used to being this submissive little creature that I become whenever Mr. B is around, but ever since I unexpectedly ran into him, I’ve been exactly that. I don’t know why he’s gotten me into a tailspin, but this nonsense has to stop.

“No, I, ugh, it was a joint decision. We weren’t working out.” So much for not being able to lie to him.

If he knows I’m not being truthful this time, he doesn’t say anything. Instead, he swipes his hand through his salt and pepper hair and flexes his neck side to side.

“You know James and I have a strained relationship,” he says.

I nod. “Yes, I know. I remember the couple of times we met, and things got a little… heated.”

“Then you’ll understand that we have some common ground in a sense. James may be my son, but I don’t always agree with what he does or how he does it. The apple fell farther from the tree where his morals and values lie, so in that sense we’re worlds apart, and if I may speak freely?”

I nod as I suck on my straw and wonder what the hell he’s going to say next.

“He’s a fucking idiot for letting you slip away.”

I take a long sip of my drink. “You hardly know me.”

“Right, but I know him. I know James doesn’t always treat women with the respect that they deserve.” He’s damn straight on that front. “He’s always had this holier than thou attitude; it comes with being raised with a silver spoon in his mouth. Part my fault, yes, but mostly his mother’s. She coddled him to the point of insanity. He’s never had to do anything for himself, down to tying his own shoelaces.”

Wow, first world problems right there.

“That explains a lot,” I mutter. Though we never lived together, James wasn’t exactly what you’d call domestic.

“Tell me, Ariana, how is your job going, are you still enjoying it?” he asks.

I can’t for the half of me remember when I told him what I do or why that would interest him, but he seems to remember.

“It’s busy,” I say honestly. “Planning events and weddings is hard work, and the clients vary. I’ve had a few bridezillas and monster-in-laws in my time, but it’s mostly good.”

He chuckles. “Trust me, they’re no better in the advertising business, wherever money that isn’t yours is concerned.”