Page 16 of Mr. Bentley

My mood plummets as I turn on the taps to the shower and glide into the warm water.


I thought I was over him, and I am, because I’m thankful for the reminder that his new girlfriend is welcome to have a cheater who she’ll have to keep her eye on for as long as it lasts. I also didn’t spend a ridiculous amount of time trying to fit into the mold he wanted to squish me in. It didn’t feel like it at the time, but I’m glad we’re over. I can do better. I deserve better.

I wash my hair with vigor, and I know that just thinking about him is putting me in a sour mood. I didn’t come here to wallow in self-pity, and I sure as heck didn’t come here to spendmy lovely, over-priced vacation living in the past, wondering where it all went wrong.

Maybe Charlize is right, maybe I just have to find Mr. Right Now, instead of Mr. Right?

Bang, bang, bang.“Hurry up in there!” Imogen yells through the door. “I need to pee!”

This is the trouble sharing a tiny hotel room with one bathroom, where the toilet isn’t separate.

My meager paycheck only goes so far.

“Don’t blow a fuse, Imi, you were comatose three minutes ago,” I yell back.

I hear her mutter as I quickly rinse my hair, dry myself off and get dressed. When I open the door, she flies past me, hopping from one foot to another.

“You’ve got one minute!” I hear Charlize yell from the balcony.

I join her outside as she scribbles in her planner.

“Did anyone ever tell you you’ve got a slight case of OCD?” I say, reaching to take her coffee, since I don’t have time to make one for myself.

“Why, because I’m trying to give you the best possible experience,andplan the best birthday surprise ever?”

I slump back in the chair. Even the mention of my birthday can’t dispel the party going on in my head. All I really want to do is go curl up on a lounge by the pool and forget tequila ever existed.

“While that does sound amazing, please tell me we have nothing planned after breakfast?”

She glances up, her bright, sunny features not even the slightest bit sympathetic. “Just because you can’t hold your liquor, don’t blame me for your sour mood, here…” She reaches into a beach bag hanging off the chair she’s sitting on and thentosses me a silver packet. “Take some more Tylenol, and you’ll be right as rain as soon as you have some food in your stomach.”

“So that means we’re having a pool day, right?”

She sighs. “I suppose looking the way you do right now, a pool day is probably best.”

I lob a coaster at her head as she ducks and it misses. “Thanks, friend. And here I was thinking I looked ravishing.”

“Ravishingly hungover?”

I roll my eyes. “A good friend wouldn’t have let me drink so much.”

“Quit complaining. You’re on a detox until your birthday.” She claps her hands together. “And boy do I have some surprises lined up for you.”

I groan. “Please, Charlz, don’t tell me you’re organizing anything crazy.”

She looks at me pointedly. “This is exactly why you keep attracting all the wrong types,” she says, matter-of-factly.

I shake my head. “Is that right?”

“Yes. Dudes that are not worthy of you and never will be. You need to let them do all the chasing, not the other way round. You’re a giver, babe, and you need to start being a taker.”

I facepalm myself. “Ever think of charging for your helpful advice?”

“That’s on the house, but if I don’t see some serious flirting action with a hot, single, handsome stranger by the day’s end, drastic measures must be taken.”

I can’t help but laugh. “Drastic measures? As in, you’ll find me someone to hook up with, that way I’ve got someone else to blame instead of myself when he turns out to be a douchebag?”