Page 94 of Shooter (Burnout 1)

“You like it?”

“I love it. Thank you.”

“Okay. One more,” she announced, digging deep under the couch.

“Hayley, seriously. This is more than enough. You don’t-”

“Shush. This is the big one,” she told him. And place another brightly wrapped rectangle on his lap after she took away the Harley book and set it on the table. It was smaller than the Harley book and as Chris tore the paper off, Hayley climbed up on the couch and snuggled in beside him.

“But really, Slick, you did plenty and you shouldn’t spend…Oh, my God.” Chris let the paper fall to the floor as he stared at an Illustrated Guide to the Kama Sutra.

Hayley leaned in and brushed her lips over his ear. “I marked some pages,” she whispered. She pulled his earlobe into her mouth and nibbled on it.

“Sassy, sassy little wench,” he murmured while checking out Slick’s favorites. One he had to turn upside down to get the full effect. “I don’t know, Slick.”

“Well, you might be getting too old for some of that, 34 and all, but most of them-”

“Too old?” he cried in mock indignation. “Too old? I am not too old, woman!” He tossed the book onto the floor and grabbed Hayley, pulling her into his lap. He began tickling her ferociously as she squealed. They collapsed into a heap against the new pillows. “I really love these pillows,” he told her.

“I knew you would,” she replied and tried to get up, but he held her in place. “I have to get up,” she told him. He pulled her closer. “No, really,” she said, laughing. “I have more stuff to do.”

“Slick, tell me there’s not more.”

“Not really. Just your birthday dinner.”

He grinned and held her tightly. “If you stay here, you can be my birthday dinner.”

“If we do page 162 you’ll be down there anyway. You can get a second dessert then.”

She wiggled her way out of his hold and headed for the kitchen.

“What’s my first dessert?” he called after her.

“We’ll get there,” she admonished.

Chris flipped through his new books as Hayley finished dinner and then sat down to an amazing steak and baked potato dinner. All the basics, but done better than he’d remembered having them before. Hayley ordered him to stay seated while she cleared their plates and returned with an amazing looking chocolate cake.

She set it down in front of him. “It’s real,” she assured him. “And it’s three layers. Chopped almonds on top and an almond cream filling. It took me all day,” she told him, beaming. She handed him a fork and a small plate but he grabbed her and pulled her into his lap. “Baby. This…is amazing.” He cut through the slice and brought a forkful to her lips.

“You should take the first bite,” she insisted.

“Babe, eat this cake or I’m gonna lay you out on this table and eat it off you.”

She squeaked a little and opened her mouth. He took the second bite. “Oh my god,” he groaned around his mouthful. “I’ve never had anything like it.” He swiped his finger in the frosting and wiped it on her neck, immediately licking it off her while she laughed. “Oh look. My baby can get sweeter,” he declared.

When he was finished, she tucked her head on his shoulder and said, “Happy Birthday, Chris.”

“This has been the best birthday ever,” he told her gently.

“I’m glad.” Then she giggled.


“My old man is an old man.”

“Oh, that’s it!” he yelled. “That is it!” He stood up with Hayley in his arms and slung her over one shoulder as she shrieked. “You better hang on up there,” he told her.

“What are you doing? Don’t you dare drop me!” she cried.

Chris picked up the plate. “Need my cake,” he said and headed into the living room. He laid his arm across her legs as he balanced the cake plate precariously in one hand. “Need my instruction manual,” he informed her, picking up the Kama Sutra. “Need my old lady-”

“Young old lady,” she reminded him.

“Woman, don’t sass me! You’re lucky I have my hands full or I’d smack that ass.” Chris carried her into the bedroom, tossed the book, and then Hayley, onto the bed. “Get naked for me, baby,” he said. “Gonna eat some cake. Then I’m gonna eat some cake.” He watched Hayley strip for him, tossing her clothes onto the floor. He took a dollop of icing from the cake sitting on the nightstand and crawled up onto the bed with her. He swiped it over a nipple and then took it in his mouth.

She gasped and arched her back, pushing her breast into his mouth. He slid an arm underneath her and held her tightly. “Don’t come yet, baby,” he teased. “ ‘Cause I’m taking all night. Save it for the good stuff.” When her left breast was clean, he sat back on his heels and brought another bit of icing to the right side. “This is the best birthday cake ever,” he told her, kissing her deeply so she could taste her own confection. “Gonna need a bigger plate though.” He smacked her thigh. “Turn over.”