Page 64 of Shooter (Burnout 1)

She pushed her hands into that damp mass of brown hair, feeling the strands slide through her fingers. And then she pushed her tongue into his mouth, determined to find the source of that maleness and possess it. She wanted to be able to call up the memory of this moment whenever she wanted, the sweet, dark taste and smell of this man in her hands and in her mouth and pressed up against her.

She threw her knee over his lap and sank down into him, pulling at him, drawing him closer. His lips were soft, his hair was soft, but his body was hard and lean, all muscle and steel and strength. Every part of him would be hard, she knew it, like she knew his taste and his smell. She reached down between them and grasped that velvet steel rod that she knew, knew, would be there, hard and waiting. What would it smell like? Taste like? Feel like in her mouth and pressed up against her? She gasped at her own thoughts at the same time he grabbed her hand.


Hayley drew back, panting, and staring in wonderment at Chris. She looked down at his crotch. She still had his dick in her hand. Startled she let go and backed away. “Oh, God!” she gasped. “Oh, God. I’m so sorry. I- I’m-” She shook her head, bewildered at everything, and got up off the couch. Without thinking, she made a beeline for the front door.

“No, Hayley, wait!” Chris called after her.

She ignored him and slammed the door, sprinting to her own house.


Chris sat on his couch, stunned. Well, he’d known she was going to kiss him, or was at least thinking about it. He’d seen that look before on other women. But everything after that had short-circuited his brain. The kiss itself was a stunner. Hayley had invaded and conquered his mouth before he’d even had much of a chance to react. She was so…passionate. He hadn’t expected that from her. Not with their first real kiss. She kissed like she was starving for him, desperate for him, and his body had reacted accordingly. And if her interest wasn’t surprising enough, she’d reached down and taken him in her hand! That, thankfully, had snapped him out of his kiss-induced stupor. He rubbed his hand over his face and looked down at his aching erection. “We’re both bastards,” he said out loud.

Hayley wouldn’t answer her door, and Chris sighed heavily. He trudged back to his own house, Pepper in tow. At least he had everything she needed at his house as well as Hayley’s since the kitten spent so much time in both places. The next morning, still no sign of Hayley, he left the fluffball with a full bowl of food and kicked the starter on his bike. He really wasn’t in the mood to work, though. He slammed the side door, the office door, and was generally a dick to all and sundry.

“You’re in a shit mood, bro,” Hawk finally said, settling at the workbench.

Chris didn’t respond.

“So what’s going on?” Tex asked.

“Gotta be Slick,” Hawk decided. “Work’s fine. Gotta be Slick.”

“What’d she do now? Too much sass?” Tex asked with a grin.

Chris set down the wrench and leaned up against the workbench. He debated telling them anything. For one thing, Hayley definitely wouldn’t want them to know. And for another it was two against one, and those weren’t good odds. But the entire incident had been weighing on him and he had to get it off his chest. That’s what brothers were for, to listen when you needed an ear and to provide the boot when you needed your ass kicked. “We…she tried to give me a hand job last night.”

Both men stared at him. Finally Hawk stood up. “What the fuck is wrong with you?!” he shouted.

Chris rubbed a hand over his face. “I know! I know! God, I know, okay? It just happened! She kissed me, then her hand was on my crotch. It happened too fast,” Chris insisted

“That’s no excuse,” Hawk declared.

“He’s right. Not seeing your side on this one,” Tex told him.

“I’m so gonna kick your ass,” Hawk growled.

“Get in line,” Tex told the large Sioux. “I’m getting a few swings in first.”

“Then when Doc gets off shift, he’ll kick your ass a third time,” Tex pointed out.

“Drive your ass up to Spearfish and let Easy take a few shots, too,” Hawk added. “He could use the workout.”

“Fuck!” cried Chris. “I’m taking care of it! I’ll take care of it!”

“You better,” warned Hawk. “Or this wrench is going up your ass sideways.”

Chris stalked back to the office and slammed the door. He flopped down in the chair and stared at the wall, trying to see all the sides to his problem. They were right. It was up to him to fix it.