Page 57 of Shooter (Burnout 1)

In the harsh light of day he could see that Deanna’s makeup was just a touch too heavy, her clothes were a little too snug, a little too revealing. She had on heels that were just a little too high for her age. He actually felt a twinge of sympathy for her. If she’d stop trying so damn hard to look 21, she’d be fucking gorgeous. She should just accept that she was getting a little older and grow into it gracefully. She’d still be a knockout. She’d still snag a husband if that’s what she wanted, if she didn’t need that personality transplant.

“She’s not that young!” Deanna snapped and Chris knew women weren’t the only ones who knew what buttons to push.

“No. But at least she’s human.”

Deanna slapped him. He saw it coming, but he let her have her little drama queen moment. He shook his head and laughed at her.

“You’re pathetic, Deanna. Go home. Don’t show your face again. And scrub off that clown makeup.”

She reached up to slap him again but this time he caught her wrist. “You get one, bitch, because I feel sorry for you. Don’t raise your hand to me again.” He shoved her lightly and she staggered back. “Go,” he ordered.


Hayley heard a knock on the door and wiped her face on the towel. “Out in a second,” she called.

“Hayley, open the door.” She sighed. It was Easy.

“I’m fine,” she replied. “Everything’s fine. Just looking for band-aids.” She hadn’t really looked too hard. There weren’t any in the medicine cabinet and she was making do with toilet paper. It seemed like a dangerous endeavor to go looking through Tex’s things. God knew what might turn up. Hayley was just fine with the kinky version of “Don’t ask, don’t tell.”

Another rap on the door. “Open up.”

Hayley sighed and flipped the lock on the knob. Jimmy came in and shut the door behind him. He frowned down at her thumb. “You didn’t find anything?”

“No, but it’s almost stopped. It’s not so bad.” She sighed and sat down on the floor, next to the tub and laid her head back on the rim. “This is a nice bathroom. I should’ve just hung out in this bathroom the whole time.” The smooth white surface of the claw foot tub felt good on the back of her neck. “This is a serious bathroom.”

Jimmy set the lid down on the toilet and sat on it. “That bitch is evil,” he declared.

“Don’t,” she said quietly. “It’s okay.”

“It’s not okay, Hayley. It is not okay.”

“It’s not like I didn’t know. I knew. That he had…girlfriends. I just never thought one of them would actually have anything to say to me.”

“It wasn’t right. Her doing that. God, she’s so nasty. His right hand is better than that-”



Hayley sighed. “Are you having fun at this party?”

He snorted. “No.”

“Do you ever have fun at parties?”

“Not anymore.”

“So you wouldn’t be too inconvenienced if I asked you to drive me home?”

Jimmy held out his hand to her.

On the way out the front door, she was surprised to see Chris standing in the driveway talking with Tex. Jimmy grabbed her uninjured hand and pulled her along. “Taking her home,” he announced.

“I’ll do it,” Chris replied.

“She asked me,” Jimmy snapped.

“Really, we’re fine,” Hayley intervened. “Jimmy wants to leave anyway. So we’ll just hang out at my house. You stay. Have fun.”

Chris stepped in front of them. “Hayley she’s gone. She’s not gonna bother you again.”

Hayley shrugged. “She didn’t bother me. She just interrupted me while I was chopping onions. That’s all. And you can go see her tonight. I’ll get a night off from making dinner.”

“Hayley, I’m never seeing her again.”

Hayley bit her lip. “You don’t have to do that. It’s fine.”

Chris shook his head. “I would never let someone treat you like that and get away with it.”

“She didn’t do anything. All she said was she spent the night with you last week and she’d like to see you again.”

“That is not all she said, Hayley,” Jimmy growled. “Don’t take up for that bitch.”

“Well, that’s really the only part I heard,” Hayley lied while smiling. “Because I cut my thumb and after that I wasn’t really paying attention.”

“Well, I heard,” Jimmy announced. “I heard her loud and fucking clear. Especially that part where she said she’d lick his cock clean after he barebacked her and then she’d send him home to you.”

“That’s enough,” Hayley told Jimmy.

Jimmy’s jaw tensed. “Don’t sugar coat it, sweetie. I won’t. I’m not gonna stand here and let him think that shit wasn’t calculated and vicious.” To Chris he said, “And it better be over. And you better get yourself checked out at a clinic. I bet crack whores have cleaner twats. She for damn sure has a filthy mouth, I know that much.” To Hayley he said, “Get in the truck, honey. I’m taking you home so you don’t have to deal with this shit anymore.”